I'll Shine for you Ch 7

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Chapter 7: PUNCH!

Clutching my bag I make my way to Dumbledore's office. When I was back in my room I figured I was getting kicked out, so I packed my bag. And took over half of my new clothes.

As I approach the gargoyle entrance, I remember Snape had said lemon drops the last time.

"Lemon Drops" I mutter, and began my long truck up the stairs.

'It will be ok. Just breath. Just keep calm' my self told me. Sometimes I am glad to have her.

'Only sometimes?'

Not now.

I knock on Santa's door and he says "enter". Walking in I see Dumbledore, Mcgonagall, tool I mean Lockhart and Snape.

'Why is Snape here? He is not even your head house.'

"Professor Lockhart, I am really sorry about last night." I say.

"hmpf" he glares at me.

"It is quite understandable as to why she was upset" Snape says.

'Go Snapester'

"Well... I don't want her in my class. I refuse to teacher her." the Tool snorts.

Overeacting much

"What do you suggest we tell the other children? This will draw more unneeded attention." Says Mcgonagall.

'It seems like Snapester and Mickey are defending you...'

Mickey? Really? Now is so not the time...wait why is Snape snickering?

'It's cause he is a Cullen....'


"That is not my problem. I refuse to teacher and I refuse to be alone with her."

What an ass!

"I wasn't the one who started it, besides who were those apparitions that I conjured?" I demand.

"I don..I don't know what you're talking" he stutters.

" Oh come off it. I know they knew you when they we're alive."

"How would you know such a thing Imara?" ask Mcgonagall curiously.

"Uh... I don't know how to describe it, but I could sense what they were feeling. I had sense recognition, resentment and anger. They wanted revenge."

'Wish I knew how to find out who they were.'

"Finding out who they we're is not the issue here. I believe that for the safety of the students and professors of this school, that I demand Imara be removed from this school." Lockhart practically shouts.


'Whoa that was Snape.'

"Severus calm down" Santa says with a very concerned look.

"No!! He is demanding punishment for what he caused. And as teacher we are here to help her learn how to control her talents. You don't have to be in alone in a room with her. You don't even have to talk to her. Only time you will see her is in passing, the great hall, and class. And you won't have her every day." Snape says very reasonably.

"Talents... Talents...She is a monstrosity!"




'Like a Willow'

Different story...

"SEVERUS!! GUILDEROY!! Calm yourselves. No matter how justified you feel, you may not talk about or talk to students in such a manner Guilderoy. Serverus same goes for your actions, how ever much they are deserved."

'Can we instant replay that punch'

Not now, we can later.

"Now, I agree with Severus. Imara's actions were not warranted. She will not be removed from Hogwarts" I interupt Santa "I'm not gonna have to leave?"

"No my dear. I trust you can unpack your bag later."

'Snapester looks bothered by that comment...'

I know...wonder why....

"And for future note. All the clothes and personal items in your room are your. So you may take them all." Santa says.

'He know when you are sleeping. He know when your awake...'

Hey shut it

"Continuing, she will remain in your class Lockhart. That will be all the interaction you have with her. You two will stay away from each other as best as possible."

'Oooh Tool is glaring...don't say anything'

Stomping his left foot, the tool preceeds to leave the room.

Did he seriously just stomp his foot like a girl?

"Now Miss Fox I have...what what is that noise...?" Getting really silent I hear

See how i'll leave with every piece of you. Don't underestimate the things that I will do

Realizing that it is my iPod, I quickly grab my bag, and stick my hand in to grab it. But I can't seem to grasp my iPod. In frustration I flip my bag over and start to shake it like a baby.

Out falls my Vampire Academy Books, some make up... I must of shaken too hard because a lacy bra falls out in the process.

"Oh god ah!" with my beat red face I grab my bra and shove it back in my bag. Quickly glance at Mickey and Santa who are trying very hard not to laugh and Snapester just looks uncomfortable.

We could have had it all, Rolling in the deep. You had my heart inside and you played it to the beat.

Getting fed up I grab my wand and say "accio iPod". Before I even finish saying the spell my iPod flys into my hand. And I quickly turn it off.

"Sorry, my iPod must have been bumped." I say.

"This iPod, this holds music and is what do the muggles call it...a lectronic?" Santa asks me.

I nod saying "yes an electronic".

"I didn't think muggle electronics didn't work here." Says Mickey

"Ah yes well I magically tinkered with it this morning so I could have music on my work out."

"Quite interesting... Yes well about that you must tell someone when you go work out. Be one of us three, or any student you become friends with this fall. Please stick the school grounds, no forest.

I also have a couple of books here to help you with your necromancy."

"Thank you sir. Um I was wondering I am still allowed to compete in music competitions? I do both magical and muggle competitions. Its how I make my living. Not to sound ungrateful or anything. Oh, and I don't cheat when it comes to the muggle competitions, those I win on talent alone."

"Oh yes of course you do. I am sure we can arrange something in the future. Just so as long we have enough notice."

I hug him. He seems surprised at this, almost like he knows, but returns the hug as well.  I generally don't like to touch men. I have to be the one to innitate the touching. I mean there are some exceptions but well, i just don't want to touch them. For reasons that are my own.

I walk away from Santa's office feeling more hopeful about the future than I have in a very long time.

Updated 8/30/11. I saw some erros in my plot that i need to fix. I tought it, but forgot to write it.

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