Ummm...Earth to Creeper

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'Then it all changed when the fire nation attacked.'


"But...but... Okay."

This child was a fireball. She could do so many different things in a short amount of time. We started walking down to the living room where we saw 3 people dressed in robes and the one in blue was talking to Amy.

"What's going on here?" Sophie asked.

Amy turned around and stood up.

"Guys, these are our Oracles. Aaron that's yours, dressed in white, and Sophie, yours is the one dressed in red."

As Amy introduced us to our Oracles, I was apprehensive at first. I thought it was weird that this one person knew everything about my life before I would know it. I approached my Oracle carefully. He bowed his head to me. I did the same. At first glance, he was pretty young for an omniscient Oracle. He looked about 40 years old and had light blue eyes. He was actually pretty hot, besides the whole "old enough to be my dad" thing.

"Thank you for allowing me into your home. My name is Sky." He said with a really deep voice. I did not expect that.

"You're welcome. Can I ask you something?"

"You want to know why my eyes are this color, don't you?"

Wow. He really was omniscient.

"The light blue signifies that I am the sky. Always looking after you. The wind. "

"That's beautiful, thank you. But um. Why are you guys here?" I said aloud.

They looked at one another and stood next to each other and held hands. Sky's light blue eyes shined, as did the Red Oracle's orange eyes and the Blue Oracle's blue-green eyes. They began to speak together.

" The destiny of the elementals is to defeat the 3 witches and maintain balance on this world. You must join your powers soon before it is too late. The witches are coming. Hurry!!"

Then they vanished in a bright light.

"As if I wasn't stressed enough already." Amy said.


After the sudden appearance of the Oracles, we hadn't talked to each other. Amy was training in the pool, Sophie, in the kitchen and I, in my room. We couldn't talk to each other. We didn't know what to say. It was just awkward. We were all frightened and worried because we still hadn't found the earth one yet and the witches are coming. I was finding hard to meditate and eventually gave up. I couldn't think with all this noise around me. Just then, a loud crash sounded throughout the house. I rushed out of my room and joined Amy and Sophie to the sight before us. Our entire front door was gone, along with the windows on either side.

"What the fuck?" Sophie spoke first.

"I don't know" Amy replied

"What's that out on the lawn?" I asked.

We walked through the space, mindful of the glass, to see our lawn covered in a sparkly black tar.

"Are those letters? what's it say?" Amy spoke

"Hold on. I'll check." I flew up into the air to get a bird's eye view of the lawn. 'No. It can't be.' I thought to myself. I lowered myself back down.

"Well?" Sophie insisted.

"It says: Surprise! According to the prophecy, one of you will die before your time and never return! Have fun figuring out who! - The Witches"

"Oh no." Amy said barely above a whisper. She started tearing up.

"Amy what's wrong?" Sophie walked over to her.

"I knew." Amy mouthed, but I still heard it.

"You what?"

I instantly became furious. "She says she knew. She knew one of us is going to die! How did you know? What else aren't you telling us?" I became madder and madder with each sentence.

" that true? Did you know?" Sophie looked hurt.


Sophie's hair turned a light gray. She ran back into the house crying and I was still angry.So, without a second thought, I flew away in anger and just flew. I didn't stop. I eventually saw this field and decided it would be a good place to rest. I looked around to see if anyone saw me, but all I saw were trees. So I lied down in the soft grass. I drifted off to sleep singing.

"Lay me down on sheets of cotton, whoa, whoa, You make me feel like I could fly, whoa, whoa, Headlights on the bedpost, we ain't stoppin', no, no, If you forgot, I'll tell you why, 'Cause Charlie ain't home..."


I woke up because I couldn't feel the sun on my face anymore. I looked up to see a guy standing over me. I freaked out and stood up, ready to fight him.

"Whoa, whoa I'm not going to hurt you." He said.

I lowered my fists but kept my palms open, just in case. I glowered at him.
"Then why were you standing over me like a creeper?"

He took a step towards me. I took one back.

"Dude, I am so not in the mood. Stay where you are and we won't have a problem."

"Hmm? Is that so? You really think you can take me?" He said back

"Oh, sweetie, I know I can."

He walked towards me and looked me directly in the eyes. "Your eyes, they're white."

"Yeah, you got a problem?"

He turned around and walked back. He started muttering to himself. " be him....have to see...okay."

"Ummm...Earth to Creeper."

"Haha, you have no idea how ironic that is."

All of a sudden, his eyes shone a bright green. I gasped and prepared myself for any attack he was gonna throw at me. He put his hands together and the ground started to shake. He slowly pulled them apart and as he did that, the ground split in two. I gaped but quickly decided to play a joke on him.

I wobbled and fell into the crack. He rushed over and peered into it. I knew he couldn't see me when his face started to show worry. I kinda felt bad so I flew up, grabbing the collar of his shirt as I took him into the sky.

"What's the matter? Afraid of heights?" I looked down at him and saw that he was freaking out. I didn't want him to pass out so I gently put us down.

When we landed in the field, I let go and he stood there, his cool regained.

"What's your name, anyways?" I asked.


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