You have to kill him.

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Marina's POV

"Well? Are you gonna tell us or what?" Solaria asked.

I looked at her, then at Dimitri. He sat there with his arms folded and his foot tapping the floor impatiently. Solaria looked like she was about to burst into flames, no pun intended.

"I have to warn you. It's extremely dangerous." I finally spoke.

"I don't care! I'll do anything to get him back!" Dimitri raised his voice.

"I second that motion!" Solaria spoke up.

"Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you."

They both nodded their heads furiously.

"One of us has to die."


Arrow's POV

It felt like I was living in an eternal nightmare. My body ached from the beatings Will gave me when I defied him. I hadn't seen him for a while now which had me thinking. What if he had a way to get out of wherever we were? Did he have a secret entrance or portal? Ughhh. My mind is so cluttered. I need to calm down.

'You could try meditation.'

'Huh? Elixyre? Is that you? Can you help me?' I looked around frantically.

'Arrow, calm down. Yes. It is I. No I cannot help you. I'm sorry.'

'It's okay. You've been around a while, what can you tell me about where I am?"

'You're on a plane.'

'Really? Wow. The economy must really suck. This in-flight entertainment is terrible.'

'You are on a Dimensional Plane, almost like a parallel universe. Our power lets us communicate telepathically wherever we are.'

'But, I've tried using my powers. They don't work.'

'That's because of Will. His dark magic prevents yours from working.'

'So what do I have to do to get my powers back?'

'You have to kill him."


Solaria's POV

"We have to what? I'm sorry, I must have been out in the sun too long. Say that again?"

"One of us has to die, Solaria."

"W-w-why? That makes no sense."

"Arrow is on a Dimensional Plane. Someone took him there. Usually someone can only enter the Plane with very powerful dark magic, or death. When you die, a representative of your religion appears and gives you an option to go with them to your rightful place. However, there's a second option.

"The Plane."

"Yes. The dead can choose to go to the Plane if they feel they've been falsely accused or in a time of crisis. This, obviously, is a time of crisis."

"I'll do it." Dimitri spoke up for the first time since Marina started speaking. He picked up the book and ran upstairs to Arrow's room. His bear followed him shortly after and began guarding the door. We ran upstairs, yelling at him.

"Dimitri, no! You can't! We need to talk about this!"

"There's nothing to talk about! He needs me! The longer I wait, the more furious I get. I need to do this!"

"Dimi-" I was about to yell when Marina pulled me back. She stared into my eyes and nodded.

"Okay, fine. But I'm not happy about it!" I broke free of her grasp and stormed off to my room. I slammed the door shut and yelled in frustration.

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