002 | Always

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Laying on the floor, I played Gran Turismo against Letty as the others sat behind us, cheering and egging us on

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Laying on the floor, I played Gran Turismo against Letty as the others sat behind us, cheering and egging us on.

My car had just edged in front of Letty's before I launched it in her front bumper, making veer from the track and hit the barrier as mine flew past the checkered finish line.

I laughed as I beat her again. This was the third time in a row, and Letty wasn't giving up. "Yes!" I cried loudly, jumping up as my car passed the finish line.

"Winner!" Leon shouted, grabbing my arm and holding it up like a referee as the gang laughed before Letty hit me with the pillow I had been laying on.

"Just wait until we race for real," she says with a pout going to sit on my brother's lap. It was family night, well, family hour. Dom usually made everyone get together for an hour before the races.

In his mind, it was so I wouldn't feel lonely when they left me alone to go races. Usually, we'd have dinner and then either watch a movie or play some video games.

Jesse takes Letty's place on the floor next to me and grabs the other controller pushing my shoulder playfully. I liked hanging out with Jesse; although he spoke quicker than I could think and radiated chaotic energy, he was a good friend to have.

Maybe it's because the two of us were the closest in age, or it could be because he's not like the others. Letty and Dom were very parental, Vince is the overly protective gruff brother, Mia's the one who keeps me sane, and Leon, well, I can't truly begin to explain Leon.

My brother cleared his throat as he stood from the couch. "Talking of races, let's get ready," I sighed sadly before Dom glanced at me. "Rosalie, you're with me" my eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Really?" I questioned as he nodded back to me with a smirk. "This is going to be awesome!" I squealed, getting up and running upstairs, leaving Jesse whining about our game. Sorry, Jess, but this was more important.

Opening my closet door, I bit my lip and looked at my clothes. I needed something special; I wanted to be both seen and heard. I know racing is more about the skill but being remembered until I can compete in the races is crucial.

Leaving my hair down and curling the end, I teased the roots a little to try and get it to look more voluminous. Sitting at my desk, I applied my makeup, trying to will away the excited but nervous butterflies.

I can't imagine there will be anyone at the races my own age, and being around the 'real' race world instead of being kept on the sidelines was a huge deal.

"Come on, Rosalie!" Dom shouted from the bottom of the stairs. I winced, knowing my brother would have a problem with any outfit I had chosen tonight.

He constantly stressed that he knew what racers were like, and I'm pretty sure he means from experience, unfortunately.

It wasn't only Dom and Vince who hated my outfit choices; Leon would usually give me a once over and a nod, while Jesse was oblivious to my fashion selections.

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