Questions and Answers

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Q. Will there be a sequel? (I've had this question in many different forms)

A. Yes! I will have the next book in this series out soon :D


Q. What was with the CPS thing?

A. The CPS things was never going to be a big thing, Rosalie was never going to be taken away. In the real world if any teenager was hurt as much as Rosalie or the amount of trouble she seemed to get herself in the police/hospital would question her home life.


Q. How old is Rosalie at the end of the book?

A. At the end of the book Rosalie would be 22 turning 23.


Q. Why did you choose the name Rosalie?

A. Honestly I just like the name and Twilight was on the TV when I was writing up my character profile.


Q. Will Rosalie have a love interest?

A. Yes she will!


Q. I like that Rosalie is a mechanic and following in her dad and brothers footsteps.

A. Thank you, it seemed like the most logical thing for her to do after loosing her family and wanting someway to keep them close in her heart.


Q. Are Dom and Letty really her parents? They just seem overprotective of her??

A. Nope she is a Toretto sibling. I had it in my mind that Dom and Letty were teenagers when Rosalie was born and after the death of her parents they just took her on as theirs. So technically she's their kid by default.


Q. What happened to Rosalie's mom?

A. I don't think they ever spoke about Dom's mom in the movies but when writing the Toretto background I think she would have died giving birth to Rosalie that's why everyone's so protective of her.



1. Rosalie's face claim changed 3 times. She was written with no face claim in mind I had just planned on having someone with Brunette hair and brown eyes in mind. So I after planning the story I decided on Gisele Bündchen which soon changed to Minka Kelly who I didn't realize she was in Turbo Charged so I changed it to Megan Fox, who ironically has blue eyes.

2. The cover for this book changed 4/5 times before I kept the one it has now.

3. When I first wrote down some ideas for this fic the only things I wrote were 'Rosalie Toretto. 18. Female .5'7 . Brunette . Brown Eyes . Sarcastic. Bitchy. Witty. Dom's Little Sister.' the only things that changed was her height and eye colour.

4. I watched loads of different TV/movie graduations to get an idea of what an American graduation looked like.

5. One of my head canons was that Letty only spoke in Spanish to baby Rosalie so she could learn to speak Spanish.

6. I started to ship Leon and Rosalie together half way through which is why he was so flirty with her.


These questions were collected from A03, Fanfiction and Wattpad. Thank you to everyone who read this book!

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