004 | after party

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Sitting up with a pained moan, I hear my brother and Brian groaning to themselves as they, too, get up from the ground

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Sitting up with a pained moan, I hear my brother and Brian groaning to themselves as they, too, get up from the ground.

Putting a hand to my forehead, my eyes widened in shock when it was covered in blood when I pulled it back. "Dom."

Showing my brother my hand, his face dropped as he quickly ran over to my side and moved my head to get a closer look. "Does it hurt?" I shook my head at Dom's question. No pain, just blood.

Brian glanced over Dom's shoulder as they both looked at the wound. "She could be in shock," I heard him mutter to my brother, but I paid it no mind. I was still trying to process what the hell just happened.

Did I almost just die?

"Let's get home," Dom muttered, helping me stand, pulling me into his side when I wobbled for a moment. Brian held out his arm seemingly instinctively as he walked on the other side of me.

"So, what the hell was that all about?" Brian questions looking over me at Dom.

I knew my brother would try and brush off his question because we don't usually let outsiders into our family business. "It's a long story."

It seemed as if Brian wasn't going to back down so quickly as he gave my brother a severe expression, "Well, we got a 20-mile hike. Humor me".

Dom lets out a loud sigh "A business deal that went sour. Plus, I made the mistake of sleeping with his sister," He says with a laugh before seeing my disappointed look. My brother wasn't what you would call a one-woman man.

Letty had tried her hardest to keep Dom to herself, but I knew my brother's wandering eye was the cause of many of their arguments.

My brother may be the 'man' of our family, but he still needs to grow up a bit more maturity-wise. Letty had been nothing but loyal since they began dating.

Seeing my discomfort on the way home, my brother called for a taxi, and I praised the gods when I sat back in the seats and sighed with relief. The thought of walking all the way home was enough to make me cry.

Glancing out of the cab window, I was happy to see everyone's cars parked out front, which meant none of them got caught and made it home safely.

The other cars and loud music inside the house made my smile drop. After everything that happened tonight, a party wasn't something I wanted to sleep through.

Also, the fact that they're all here partying and no one came looking for Dom or me just put me in a bad mood.

Dom opened the car door and put his hand on my head as he helped me out of the cab. "You okay?" he mumbled to me softly as I nodded.

Glancing back at the blond, I gave him a shaky smile. "Thanks, Brian," I said, being genuine. Things could have been a lot worse for us if Brian hadn't shown up when he did.

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