011 | Salute mi familia

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"Rosalie, stop that!" Mia shouted at me when she caught me scratching the inside of my cast with a butter knife. I had taken special care of not scratching at my stitches, but the cast was another story.

It was a Sunday, so Dom had decided to do a BBQ to celebrate my getting out of the hospital and Brian's becoming part of the team.

We'd already been to church, where I had Ms. Walker from next door pray for me.

As soon as I walked in, I was ambushed by the older ladies (who loved a bit of gossip) asking me all sorts of questions. They soon got bored when I told them I passed out and hit my head. Nothing exciting.

"But Mi, it itches so bad," I whined as she took the knife out of my hand, pulling me down from the counter and pushing me towards the back door where the table had been set up.

"Why don't you go outside and help Dom" she suggested politely as she turned back to the counter where she was chopping things for the salad.

I frown at her pushing my lips forward with a sad look, knowing exactly what she was doing. "I'm beginning to think you only send me over to Dom when I'm annoying you."

Mia gasped sarcastically and swatted my butt in the direction of my brother. "Oh my god, you caught me" giving her a look, I walked outside where everything had been set up, and Dom was manning the barbecue.

"Why are you pouting, Rosalie," My brother asked teasingly as he turned over the food he was cooking. "Did Mia stop you from scratching your arm again?"

I gave my brother a scathing look before pouting again, crossing my arms with a slight huff, "yes." Dom chuckled at my honest answer and kissed the top of my head.

Wrapping my arms around his waist, I smiled at him and motioned to the cooking food. "Looks great, Dom." My brother was the best at grilling, so no one else tried to take over.

"Smells great, too," Brian added, walking up to us from his car. I gave him an amused smile when he winked at me, showing that he hadn't been scared off by my threat.

He was either really brave or stupid.

The sound of tires squealing came up the driveway, and we all glanced at the cars. "Finally," Dom muttered, walking over to Letty's car, grumbling about them taking too long.

"So, your sister hasn't been interested in racer guys, huh?" Brian asked me, trying to look inconspicuous as he opened a bottle of Corona, taking a quick glance at the house.

Letting out a short chuckle, I shook my head seeing him fishing for information about my sister was amusing "Just be yourself. She hates it when guys act all macho and caveman. Like Vince."

Brian laughed, catching the man's attention, who had turned up with grocery bags. "I'm outta here," he growled, glaring at Brian and shoving them into Leon's chest.

"Vince, get over here and give us a hand," Dom called over to him as he stomped away like a petulant child. I knew Vince. This attitude was because Mia liked Brian more than him being untrusting of an outsider.

"Looks like you got all the help you need, brother," Vince shouted back as he got in his car and peeled away. I flinched at the sound of his wheels on the concrete.

"-Or when he acts like a giant baby," I added, glancing at Brian, who nodded in agreement clapping a hand on my shoulder gently with a severe expression.

"Hey baby girl, you okay?" Letty questioned, subtly eyeing Brian as he moved away from me. She was like a momma bear at times, but I never got upset at her protectiveness.

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