11. My own class

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Naruto and I walked into the academy together. When we got inside you both went your seperate ways, he went to his class and you went to the academy's office. When you got there the same lady was sitting behind the desk. "Good morning Miss (Y/n), I'm guessing you're here for information and such about your class". You nod your head. She hands you a small stack of papers and smiles. You looked down at it and then began walking away. Just as you were about to the leave the room the woman stopped you. "Uh just a warning, there are three students in that class that are trouble makers, well its one but he leads the group". I bow to her. "Thank you for the information". She nods and waves good bye as I leave. I looked down at the paper and saw the room number (A/n: I'm gonna make this up). "Room 3a huh?". You looked around and stopped when you saw the sign that said "3a". You stood in front of the door and took a deep breath before you walked in. "Who's this lady?!", one kid yells. I look around the class and see lots of kids between the ages 8 and 9.

I walked out in front of the class and smiled. "Good morning, I will be your new sensei. You can call me (Y/n)-sensei". A kid wearing a long blue scarf and googles jumped up on to his desk. "Where's our other sensei?!", he yells at me. I shrugged my shoulders. "I have no idea now lets get to introductions". I was about to point at who would go first when the brat with the scarf called out again. "My name is Konahamaru and one day I am going to be Hokage!", he yells. I smirk. "So you've got the same dream as Naruto eh?". His eyes widen and he glares at me. "How do you know Naruto?". "He's like my son, now would you others please introduce yourselves". I pointed to the end of the line of desks but was interrupted once again. A girl with orange hair and googles jumped up onto the table next to Konahamaru. "My name is Moegi and I'm going to be the strongest kunoichi in the world!", she exclaims. "Ok then now lets get to-". "A-and I'm Udon and I'm gonna be... I'm gonna be... a-a strong n-ninja", he said, letting his nose drip. They must be a group because they are all wearing googles, were they Naruto's fan club? They all wore googles just like him. I sighed and ignored it. "Ok now that we know your three names would you mind sitting down so I can get to know everyone?". They all nod and sit down.

Once I had gotten to know everyone I began looking through my papers. It looked like they didn't know much about anything. I sweat dropped, these kids have a long way to go. "Before I begin teaching you I want you all to know my rules". The kids all nod and wait patiently for my next words. "These rules aren't difficult to follow so just do as I say and we will be good. Rule number one is don't try and be naughty. I was the naughtiest kid in my class when I was in the academy and I know all the tricks. Rule two is no bullying. I understand that rivalries are made when in academy but if your just being mean to increase your already low self esteem then you can go. Ninja aren't cocky so don't be. Rule three is that the academy is a place of learning so if someone can't do something as well as you it doesn't mean that they are weak. Those that are weak are the ones who think that they are better than everyone else. Having ego is fine but if you use it in a fight you are going to lose. Those are my rules, are there any questions?".

Konahamaru put his hand up so I looked over a him. "Yes". "Why do you have these rules?", he asks. "Because when I was in the academy they didn't have these rules so it wasn't a very safe or learning friendly place". Someone else put there hand up but I completely ignored them "Ok now lets start the lesson".


When it was break time I began looking for Naruto, he had left his bento with me. I looked around outside but he wasn't there, there was only one other place. I walked over to Naruto's classroom and knocked on the door, then opened it. The only people inside were Naruto and Iruka. Iruka blushed a bit and so did I. "I'm sorry to disturb you", you apologize. "No its fine, what can I help you with?". "Naruto left this behind by accident", I say holding up the bento. Iruka takes it. "If he's misbehaving then don't give it to him, I'll happily eat it", I giggle sending Naruto a smirk. "Hey that's not fair, I need food or I'll die". I roll my eyes. "You can't be serious, you ate an hour and a half ago". He poked his tongue out at you and you sent it right back. You looked back at Iruka and smiled. "I can stay with you if you want, I mean it must be boring just sitting here with him", I said gesturing at Naruto. Iruka's cheeks burned bright red as he nodded. You walked over and held your hand up to his forehead. "Are you Ok? It feels like you've got a fever". "No I'm just fine, here sit down". He sat down and you sat next to him, pulling out your bento. You started eating and noticed Iruka looking at your food. "Wow did you make that?", he asked. You nod. You put it on the table and slid it over to him. "You can have some if you want". He looks between you and the food a few times before picking some up with his chop sticks and eating it. His eyes widen. "That is so good", he chuckled. "Why thank you", you giggle. Naruto just made faces at the back of your heads.

Meanwhile outside the classroom window were a whole bunch of kids. "What's happening now?", Sakura asks Ino who was sitting on her shoulders. "They're talking and he just ate some of her food". "Wow they are so cute", a fangirl squealed. Shikamaru and the others sat under the tree. "D-do you know what they're talking about?", Hinata asks. "I sent my bugs to look and they said that (Y/n)-sensei and Iruka-sensei are having lunch together in there". Hinata blushed and giggled. "Did you k-know (Y/n)-sensei has a c-crush on him?". The others stared at her with wide eyes. "She has a crush on him?! She could do way better than him!", Kiba yells. "But y-you can't tell anyone Ok". They all nod. The bell rings and everyone hurries over to class.

When they got there (Y/n)-sensei was still there. She waved good bye to Iruka-sensei and then walked out of the room. The students all looked at their sensei who had a face redder than a tomato. "Sensei?", a girl asks. "Yes what is it?". "Are you in loooovvvveeee with (Y/n)-sensei?", she asks. Iruka went even redder. "N-no I'm not". The students all rolled their eyes, he was a terrible liar.

All he had to do was make sure that no one would tell her. "I don't need you telling her things that aren't true, you could really embarrass her if you said something like that", he scolded. "What if she likes you back?", some one calls. Iruka sighs. "I am not talking to you guys about it, end of discussion". Iruka crossed his fingers, if anyone told her he would die of embarrassment.

The rest of the day will be continued in the next chapter. So how was it? Hope it wasn't complete trash. I am happy to incorporate Konahamaru in this story, I love him so much!!!! Not in a romantic way... I ship him with Hanabi!!! What's their ship name? KonaHana? I have no idea. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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