26. Deciding fate

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My eyes flutter open and I stare up at the ceiling. I've been stuck in the Hokage's mansion for a week now and I'm really missing Naruto and the other kids. I'm missing everybody and I feel like I'm going to cry every time someone brings them up. I've been told Naruto has been trying to break in several times and I can't help but giggle. Also the Hokage won't let me use my genjutsu to cover my scarred arms anymore, it makes me feel vulnerable but somehow I pull through. At least I still have my bandages.

I sit up and stretch, the reason... there isn't one. What's even the point? Where could I even be going? I'm not allowed to leave the mansion, let alone this room. I'm basically a prisoner. I am brought back to reality by a knock on the door, a familiar head of blonde hair appears. Inoichi Yamanaka. He smiles and enters. "I apologize for making you stay here all week long, it was only while my men heal up so they can prove that you aren't a threat, my word alone proves nothing". I nod and send him a genuine smile. "Thank you for everything you have done, I once again apologize for the way your mind reacted to my own, you haven't suffered any permanent damage, have you?". He shakes his head and chuckles. "No I'm fine, now I'm more protective of my daughter and that's it. No problems or complications". He clears his throat and adjusts his head band. "You'll reappear in the courthouse this afternoon and we will decide what is to happen to you, I will do all in my power to let you stay". You get up and walk over to him, giving him a hug. "Thank you so much". He pats your back comfortingly and then pulls away. "Get ready, we'll come by in twenty minutes". I nod and watch as he closes the door and walks away.


I had been sitting with Inoichi and a few others just chatting. It was nice to have someone to talk to, as know by almost everyone now I never had a very good father figure and I kinda see him to be it. I would never tell him that though. A ninja walks in and gives us the signal. We all nod and we all walk towards the courthouse. There was an argument earlier about whether or not they should restrain me, in the end I was allowed to walk free. I walked up to the court house with Inoichi by my side, he gave me a nervous smile before we entered.

Like last time I was sat in a chair in between the two raised seating areas. I saw Kakashi in the audience and he looked nervous. I took a deep breath and sat down in my assigned seat. I looked around, the Hokage and the elders sat in the same place as usual and the citizens sat in their area. A ninja stands and speaks into a microphone, addressing everyone in the room. "Today we will be deciding the fate of (Y/n) (L/n), a member of the (L/n) clan and former member of both the hidden mist and frost villages". The ninja takes a seat and the Hokage speaks. "In our last meeting we saw that Miss (Y/n) cares not of her own fate and has proven her loyalty to the village through protecting its citizens and teaching children in the academy, therefore my vote goes for using (Y/n)'s skills to help develop and grow the village". I smile at him and he sends me an acknowledging nod. "Now I will ask several people to come forward and make a statement to help determine how we will handle this situation". I watch the first person stand, it was an old woman. She scowled at me and I can already guess how she feels about me. "That murderer shouldn't be let anywhere near children. If anything she'll kill them with that cold heart of hers". I frown. Suddenly someone else stands up and glares at the old woman. "I disagree, people need to stop taking their hatred out on this poor woman. She may have suffered though pain in her past but that doesn't mean she's any less human than you or me. (Y/n) saved me and my child and I will fight for her freedom until the day I die". I look up and see a furious Haruka holding her daughter close to her. "How do you respond to this?", the Hokage asks me. I stand and clear my throat. "I grew up without a loving family so I never was given the nurturing a child needs to grow yet I can still see ignorance in others who were given such a thing. Don't act as if just because you are older that you can patronize me. As someone who had children of my own I'm offended that you would even consider me the type of person to willingly hurt children". I then sit down and watch as someone else stands. "You say you 'had' children, what happened? Did you kill them?", he smirks. "My children are none of your concern but I'll have you know that shortly after they were born both of my sons grew sick and died". The room was silent after that. Next to stand was a young woman. "I don't believe that this woman should be convicted of anything, just because her past is dark doesn't mean that she has continued down such a path. As she says she has experienced more then anyone and she is still young, having knowledge such as that can prevent incidents like that in the future. I think that (Y/n) hasn't done anything wrong and should be released". I smiled and gave the woman a thankful nod.

We all turned and looked up at the Hokage. He nodded towards Inoichi and he gave a long speech about how I should be let go. I was really touched with the was he delivered it, he was so passionate about it. I smiled and tried to hold back mt tears, only letting a few slip. In the end we all turned to the elders and listened for their votes. "I vote that we let (Y/n) stay in the village as a ninja and teacher of the academy", the Hokage says. "Does anyone else agree?". All of the elders except Danzo raised their hands. I mentally cheered and smiled at Inoichi who delivered my defense. The Hokage smiled down at me. "Now that we have come to a decision is there anything you would like to request, since we wasted a lot of your time?", the Hokage asks me. I tap my chin and then my face lights up. "I would like to adopt both Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki".

Hahah how evil. A bit of a cliff hanger. Will they actually let you adopt the two or will they tell you to fuck off and adopt someone else. And if you are able to adopt them then you will have three adopted sons... don't forget about Kuro We'll see him soon enough. Love you all Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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