44. What is he?

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It was late at night when I heard the light yet familiar tap on the window. I push myself out of bed and clumsily stumble over to it. I draw back the curtains and stare blankly at the masked man standing in the garden. I let out a sigh and slide the window open, allowing him to come inside. This time instead of formally giving me information and leaving he took off his mask. He was quite an attractive man with large black eyes, some might call them intimidating but I couldn't help but feel drawn to them. "My name is Yamato, I've been the one who has been giving information to you since you've arrived", he says. You nod and give a small bow. "Uh yes, thank you. What can I help you with?, you ask. He seems a little uncertain with his words. "T-the Hokage would like to see you in his office tomorrow morning". You nod. "Do you know why he would like to see me?", you ask, taking a seat on the end of your bed. "Yes, its to do with Naruto". Your eyes widen slightly. "I haven't done anything wrong, have I?". He quickly shakes his head. "The Hokage believes in you but the elders are still unsure, they just want to make sure you're doing a good job as a care giver. You smile brightly at the brown-haired man. "Thank you once again, Yamato-san". He waves his hands in front of him. "The honorific isn't needed". You nod. "And um next time you can use the front door if you'd like", you chuckle causing him to blush lightly. 

You walk Yamato to the door and send him a small smile. "May I ask you a question?", you ask. He hesitantly nods. "Are you by chance a Senju?". He looks a little shocked but shakes his head. "No I'm not". "My mistake, you have Senju like chakra". He nods and waves before teleporting away. The late night disruption caused me to forget what time it actually was, it was very late. Before heading back to my own room I poke my head into Kuro's to check up on him. He's smiling in his sleep, his blonde hair messy from moving around. I can't help but smile and eventually pry myself away from his room to go to my own.


"Where are you going?", Kuro asks with raised eyebrows. "I need to visit the Hokage before I head to the academy, please lock up before you leave". He gives a determined nod and waves to me as I walk out the door. I walk down the busy streets on my way to the Hokage's mansion. It's on the other side of town so it takes a while to get there but I don't have time to waste. I jump up onto the roof tops and sprint in the direction of the mansion, reaching it in a matter of minutes. 

I take a deep breath and knock on the door. Once I hear the raspy voice of the old man I enter, being greeted by the glares of the elders. There are two men and one woman, I only remember one of their names. The one called Danzo, he did want me dead after all. The Hokage gives me a small smile. "(Y/n) we have something to discuss with you, something very important". I nod and bow. "I understand". 

I stand before the three older shinobi as their eyes pierce my soul. "There are a couple of things that you need to know about Naruto...", Lord third trails off. Danzo lets out a quiet scoff. "There's no need to delay it, just tell the girl". My eyes shift between the arguing males and land on the female elder. "Dear its best that you know that Naruto has the 9 tailed fox sealed within him, making him the jinchuriki of the nine tails". My eyes widen slightly. Never did I think that such a notorious beast would call the body of such a sweet boy home. "Naruto's mother, Kushina Uzumaki, and father, Minato Namikaze, both died while trying to save their son and our village. In the end the demon fox was sealed within Naruto". I don't speak, my mind is blank and my body is frozen in place. 

"I told you that she wouldn't want him anymore", Danzo says with close eyes and folded arms. I shake my head. "Why would you assume that? Just because Naruto is a jinchuriki doesn't mean that I care for him any less". Danzo sent a glare at me. "Why would you do such a thing for that ignorant brat?", he mutters. "Because I know what its like to be treated like a monster, to be different and distant from everyone in my life. Naruto tries his hardest to get recognised and I know that he will never give up, no matter what obstacles are in his way". Lord third smirks victoriously at the bandaged man who scowls and looks away. "I knew that would be your answer (Y/n)-san, thank you for coming here this morning". I bow. "Thank you for telling me about Naruto". You then teleport to the academy and start your day of work.

Now you actually know that Naruto is the nine tails. If you thought you already then I'm sorry but you didn't. When Iruka and Naruto were talking back in the forest while trying to get away from Mizuki you didn't hear anything about him being the nine tails. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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