22. Family

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Flashback 13

"Because I love you". (Y/n)'s eyes widen as she stares at the man before. Her eyes brim with tears and she brings her bandaged arms up to hide her face. She sobbed into the bandages, not daring to look up. Zabuza gently pulls her arms away from her face and pulls her into his chest. "I understand if you don't feel the same way", he say quietly.  (Y/n) pulls away slightly, reaching up to his face. Her bandaged hand coming in contact with his mask. You pulls it down and slams her lips into his. Their lips work in sync, fitting perfectly together. They eventually pull away, gasping for breath. (Y/n) rests her forehead against his. "I love you too".

Flashback 14

(Y/n) left the hospital and found Zabuza waiting for her outside. "How are your arms?", he asks. (Y/n) looks down at her bandages and sighs. "They healed fine and my kekkei genkai isn't damaged but they are pretty scarred". Zabuza takes one of her arms and begins taking off its wrapping. His fingers caress the damaged skin, tracing the indents. He lifts her arm to his lips and gently kisses the scars. "Beautiful", he whispers. (Y/n)'s cheeks heat up and she looks away. Zabuza chuckles and picks her up bridal style, carrying her home despite her complaints.

Flashback 15

"Its about time", Ameyuri chuckles. Zabuza's was wrapped around (Y/n)'s waist protectively, her cheeks were a dark shade of red. "I don't I've ever seen her look so vulnerable"  Kushimaru smirks behind his mask. "Just make sure you use protection", Fugaku sighs. Now Zabuza's face had gone extremely red. The rest of the seven swordsmen laughed at the two younger members.

Flashback 16

Fugaku made his way to the Mizukage's office, Samehada strapped to his back as usual. The Mizukage wasn't too pleased with this, he had just lost most of his powerful ninja. (Y/n) and Zabuza were called into the Mizukage's office soon after. The two walk in and knelt before the young Mizukage. His magenta eyes moved from the large red haired man to the two young ninja. "I have just been informed that in the last mission all members of the seven swords man perished and that you three are the only ones left".

Flashback 17

(Y/n) sat on her bed and sighed, staring at the wall as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. There was a gentle knock at the door and then it was pushed open. Zabuza walked in and took a seat next to her. "Are you sad? You know about their deaths?", he asks. (Y/n) turns to look at him and shakes her head. "I don't feel anything, I feel so empty. They were like my family yet I'm not even phased that they're gone. You're the only reason I can feel anything, without you I would feel nothing". Zabuza's eyes widen and he pulls (Y/n) into a hug. "I love you, (Y/n)". "I love you too".

Flashback 18

Zabuza pushed (Y/n) against a wall and teased her lips with his own. His hands wandered her body, making her crave his touch. His lips left hers and trailed down to her neck where he sucked and nibbled, searching for her sweet spot. She let out a needy moan and grabbed Zabuza's wrist leading him to their bedroom.

Flashback 19

(Y/n) felt unwell and decided to go to the hospital to see what was wrong. She was currently laying down while a medical ninja examined her. "You don't have a cold, let me look at your stomach to see if there is anything wrong there". (Y/n) nodded and let the ninja do her job. A smile graced her thin lips and her gaze met with (Y/n)'s. "This explains a lot, why you've been throwing up a lot and the stomach pains". "What is it?", (Y/n) asks. "You're pregnant".

Flashback 20

(Y/n) sat on the roof of the apartment she shared with Zabuza, it was a quiet night. Zabuza had been away on a mission for a week and she had been meaning to tell him about his unborn child. She clenched her fist as she thought of his possible responses. He could be overjoyed and love his child with all his heart or he could reject it, hate it, kill it. To a man like Zabuza children didn't matter, even though he was affectionate towards (Y/n) he wasn't as kind to others. She was the only one who got to see his smile and his laugh, the only one. She sighed, letting several tears fall. "Why are you crying?", a voice asks. (Y/n) turned and saw her partner standing behind her. He walked over and took a seat next to her. (Y/n) placed her hands on her stomach and rubbed it gently. "Are you hungry or something?", he asks, humor in his voice. (Y/n) looks up at Zabuza and takes his hands. She then places them on her stomach. "I'm pregnant", she whispers. His eyes widen and he sits there in shock. (Y/n) sighs and looks away only to be pulled forcefully into his chest. "You aren't mad?", she asks. He chuckles and shakes his head. "Why would I be mad? I get to start a family with the one I love".

Here you go. Hope you liked it, this one was a lot happier then others but what will happen after this. Happier excluding the death of the seven swordsmen. If you are wondering where Juzo is then I'm gonna just say that I took him out. He uses the same sword as Zabuza so I thought it would be easier to just exclude him. Sorry any Juzo fans. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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