87. Admiration

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Kakashi was the first to arrive even though he was usually the last. Second was Iruka, who looked as if he hadn't slept a wink. The silver-haired jonin didn't say anything, knowing full well that the brunette was struggling now that you were gone. Finally, Akira and Daichi arrived together, not acting like their usual playful selves. Each shinobi watched Kakashi as he began telling them the plan.

"To get to the frost village, Kaito will need to travel through the land of fire and then the land of hot water. My guess is that he'll take the riskier back roads so that he won't get caught. But this also exposes him to the risk of getting attacked by rogues." The others nod.

"So, are we gonna take the same path?" Akira interjects. Kakashi hums.

"Yes, we could take the main road but it would take a lot longer, it also risks that they reach the frost village before we can catch them. If they manage to get to the village, its over," he explains. The others seemed to accept that fact but Iruka couldn't, he remained silent and glared at the ground. He was acting very out of character, no one said anything to him because they couldn't guarantee that his reaction would be positive.

"Let's head out now," Kakashi finished, leading the other three into the forest and toward the back roads Kaito had taken to get you away from them. Throughout their journey, they rarely spoke. All four of them cared for you, Akira and Daichi wanting their childhood best friend back. Kakashi wanting the brave kunoichi who stood up for the village he did and Iruka wanting the beautiful and courageous woman he was in love with and now couldn't live without.


You sat up against a tree, watching Kaito sleep silently beside the dying fire. You hated this more than anything, your legs were useless, arms bound and torso tied to the tree which you used for support. You weren't even aloud to lie down, he said that he loved you but he didn't trust you one bit.

Kaito stirred from his slumber, sitting up and rubbing his tired eyes. If you didn't hate him so much, you could've found him cute. He was a strong and talented shinobi, someone dedicated and respected by their peers. You fully admitted that while living in the frost village, you could've fallen for him. That is, if he didn't creep around and watch you from a distance. Even Iruka, who was shy and lacked self esteem, had made his move.

Noticing that you were looking at him, he smiled sweetly. If you weren't in this situation, you might've smiled back.

"Are you hungry?" he asked, going to his bag to grab out a scroll. You shrugged your shoulders.

"A little." He seemed happy, releasing the food from the scroll and beginning to cook, using the last of the camp fire. You watched him carefully, noticing how he came across as a kind and genuine person, not being able to currently sense his underlying hostility and obsession with you.

"I'll make us breakfast," he thought aloud. You noticed that he spoke to himself often, it was as if he didn't have anyone else to talk to.

"Hey, Kaito?" you called out, catching his attention.

"Yes, my queen?" he responded, looking up at you while continuing to cook. You felt awkward asking this, but you did it anyway.

"What is it that drew you to me?" He paused for a second before returning to his cooking, smiling happily at the pot filled with water which sat on the hot embers.

"I struggled a lot in the academy since my skill set didn't match those of the other students. I could do things that others couldn't but they were useless when it came to being a shinobi of our village. The test to become a genin required certain things which were my weak points. I trained a lot in my spare time since my parents were always out on missions. But one day I saw you training by yourself in the forest. It was snowing so everyone else was indoors but you were still out there, giving it your all. We were the same age, 12 I believe, I still had a year or so to go until I'd become genin. But you were already Chunin and much better than me at everything. Even though you were way above everyone else of our age, you trained harder than anyone else. I found that very admirable." He blushed as he continued cooking.

"At that point, I didn't really know who you were. I came and watched you train a lot, since I was good at hiding my presence you never noticed. But one day I saw your parents come out, your mother slapped you and both of them yelled at you. Then your father started to beat you, I wanted to help but I was frozen in fear. When it was all over I was going to go over and help but you pushed yourself to stand and brush off everything that had just happened. I thought that you were amazing, so strong and talented. It was after you left for Kirigakure that I realized my feelings for you, I regret not voicing them sooner," he admits. You heave a sigh and stare at him as he begins serving the food he had made as well as some tea.

"Kaito, I apologize but I already have someone that I'm in love with. I can't just leave him, I love him with all of my heart." You tried to persuade him but none of it was getting to him.

"After Zabuza died, you fell in love again. I know that you'll fall in love with me, you have to love me." His voice wavered, making you worry about what he would do. Not wanting him to return to his insane hostility, you stopped yourself from saying anything else that might set him off. He was emotionally fragile and could react negatively if pushed to do so. Kaito came over with the food he had prepared, sitting close to you. The chains didn't stop you from eating normally, the restraints were only there to stop you from using your abilities, eating was fine. As you ate, you noticed Kaito staring at you.

"Is something wrong?" you asked him gently, not wanting to offend him. His cheeks darkened, making him look like a teenager who had encountered their crush.

"I just wanted to tell you that you're beautiful," he whispered, hiding his face as he lifted his cup to his lips, eyes downcast to the ground. Taking the compliment, you thanked him. There was nothing more sickening than being kind to this man but you knew that he was unwell. His obsessive behavior would lead to much worse things if you didn't obey and since you were currently powerless, there was nothing else you could do.

Sorry, haven't updated in a while. Haven't been in the mood lately but we have two weeks off for school holidays so I will have this story done soon. Not sure how many more chapters but there will be a few. Thanks for reading <3

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