70. Unspoken words

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You watched as the preliminary round was introduced to the Genin, the rules explained. Your eyes lingered on a silver-haired boy as he raised his hand, requesting to pull out. You raised an eyebrow in confusion. You weren't sure if it was a selfless act or one which would be beneficial to him. He was mysterious, from the information you had been told he had retaken the exams many times, you thought he'd pass after knowing what to expect from each exam. Naruto had told you about him, Kabuto Yakushi was his name, apparently, he had helped team seven acquire both scrolls needed in the second round.

Your eyes then moved to Sakura and Sasuke. The raven-haired boy was staring his pink teammate down, almost to the point where she was looking afraid of him. He reached up and touched his neck, something you had noticed him doing a lot this morning. You were suspicious, thinking that he had injured himself and was too embarrassed to show it. That was the only logical reason you could think of but you couldn't help but think something bad was going happen. 

You pried your eyes off the Genin and looked up a screen on the wall, seeing two names appear. Sasuke's and someone called Yoroi Akado. Sasuke walked forward and so did the other Genin. They were bigger than Sasuke, most likely older, and wore a leaf headband but something told you that they weren't from here.

You turned to ask Kakashi about it but were surprised to see him missing from his spot. Kurenai caught your gaze and pointed down to Sasuke where the two were talking, student and sensei. Sasuke touched his neck once again, revealing a marking which was unknown to you. The only thing you could relate it to was a yin and yang but only the yin part. It was repeated three times in a circular pattern, you tried your hardest not to look at it but you found it difficult. The only thing that pulled your eyes away was Kakashi sending you a small nod. From only that you knew exactly what he meant, everything was going to be ok and you just needed to calm down. You closed your eyes, using the rail in front of you to support your weight. You took a few deep breaths before returning your gaze down to the soon to be fight. The other Genin climbed up the steps to the viewing area and lined up beside you, watching while they held onto the metal rail.

Hayate announced the beginning of the round and from there the two Genin started the battle. You tried to stay unbiased as you were there to support and supervise all of the Genin taking part but you found it difficult. You were protective and even though the trait was thought to be bad at times, you couldn't help it. After losing two sons how else were you supposed to react when someone was hurting them. You watched as the Uchiha lay on the ground, the chakra being sucked out of him by his opponent. It took all of your self-control to watch without running out there and punching the masked prick through the wall.

After one more deep breath, you were calm again, able to watch as Sasuke kicked Yoroi away. Even though his chakra had depleted a lot, from earlier events, Sasuke continued to fight, evading all of the attacks thrown at him. Yoroi's hand illuminated as he attempted to take more of Sasuke's chakra but the Uchiha was able to avoid each swing of his opponent's fist. Getting into position below him he kicked, striking Yoroi under the chin, sending him flying upwards. You watched in awe, pride radiating off of you. Then Sasuke looked as if he was flying beneath Yoroi, a move which Lee had shown you when you had trained with his team. The dancing leaf shadow. You watched in anticipation, awaiting the final move but Sasuke seemed to hesitate. You focussed on his face, watching as the mark covered his features, looking as if his skin was consumed in flames. It was only there temporary, you seemed to be one of the only people who noticed it.

But as soon as it arrived, it disappeared. Sasuke returned to his senses and kicked the Genin, spinning him around. He then punched him towards the floor before using his leg to kick him down into the ground.

"Lion barrage!", he yells. You smiled lightly at the Uchiha's win, it may not have been the best since he was sitting, panting heavily with little chakra left. But it was a win none the less, the other ninja was knocked out.

Kakashi appeared behind Sasuke before he could fall backwards. From there the two spoke before standing up and heading out of the testing room. Kakashi followed behind Sasuke through the exit. But the silver-haired ninja sent you a nod before leaving, a sign that everything was going to be alright and that he was going to take care of it. Sasuke needed someone like Kakashi in his life, someone who fully understands him. Maybe not fully but to a larger extent than you. You almost felt embarrassed that you couldn't provide the support that Sasuke needed but you pushed the thoughts aside and held your head up. Your eyes drifted to the screen where the next pair was shown. Shino vs Zaku Amubi, a shinobi from Otogakure, the village hidden in the sound.

I hope there was at least some enjoyment in that chapter lol. There was no dialogue but was it good? No clue XD  Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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