71. Never again!

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Matches passed fairly quickly. Genin you knew fought for spots in the finals, trying their hardest to qualify for the chance to become a Chunin. Shino won his round, Ino and Sakura knocked each other out and Tenten lost. You now stood in your usual spot, watching the rounds from in between Naruto and Lee. Shikamaru was declared the winner of his round and then the next two fighter's names appeared on the screen on the wall.

Naruto Uzumaki and Kiba Inuzuka

You were surprised by the pairing but were able to hide how you felt about it. As much as you wanted the two of them to get through there was no possible way for them to do so. You took a deep breath and turned to Naruto who was looking at you, waiting for your reaction. Kiba also approached you, looking just as excited as the blonde.

"Good luck, try your hardest", you smiled down at the two. Both smiled back in confidence, only now noticing that the other was there. They sent each other a glare before making their way down to where the fights were being held. The two boys faced each other on the lower floor, awaiting Hayate's instruction to start. You were eager to see the results of the fight, both boys were strong but you weren't sure as to who was the stronger one.

Just as the fight started you noticed something strange in the corner of your eye. Standing in the door frame of one of the rooms was Kakashi. You wouldn't have noticed him at all if he hadn't been looking at you, it seemed that whatever it was that he was doing needed your help. He gestured you over with his gloved hand, urging you to come to the room he was in. You were curious about it, why did he need you? But you also didn't want to leave your position in case something bad were to happen. If you left and someone got seriously injured you would never forgive yourself. Even if it wasn't your fault.

You looked to your right where Kurenai stood, watching the fight with Shino and Hinata by her side. She too had noticed Kakashi's presence but hadn't said anything, it was only when he pointed at you did she understand. She turned her head in your direction, letting her red lips curl up into a reassuring smile.

"I'll be here and so will Asuma, go see what Kakashi needs", she said soothingly. You took a deep breath before nodding and making your way towards Kakashi, walking beside the wall in order to stay out of Naruto and Kiba's way. While walking you caught a glimpse of the fight seeing Kiba throw smoke bombs in Naruto's direction. You flinched slightly as you watched the canine-like boy attack Naruto from outside the cloud of purple smoke. Managing to tear your eyes away from the battle you locked eyes with Kakashi, watching as he disappeared into the room he was waiting in front of. You hurried your pace and made it to the door, entering the room and closing the door behind you.

No one was in the room so you continued to walk around, trying to find the silver-haired Jounin. You left the room and entered another, finally finding a chakra signal big enough to track. You followed it further into the room, looking around at the large support beams which stopped the roof from falling and crushing everyone inside.  You let your fingertips brush one of the beams, your nails lightly scratching the cold stone. Cringing at the feeling you pulled your hand back, finally noticing light up ahead. Many torches were lit, indicating the presence of someone else in the room. Picking up the pace you started to run silently towards it, not having the patience to wait any longer.

Not long after you stopped, Kakashi stood beside Sasuke who lay on the floor, unconscious. From the distance you were at you could barely make out the marking on his shoulder but it was different from before. The image was enclosed in circular markings, a seal you could only imagine Kakashi performing on the boy. You walked towards them, wanting to speak to Kakashi but stopped suddenly when you felt a sick feeling in your stomach. A dangerous chakra had entered the room and was walking towards Sasuke and Kakashi, staying cautious you moved closer but hid your chakra.

You stared into the shadows, watching as Orochimaru stepped forward. You could see his mouth moving but he was too far away to hear. Silently, you made your way closer, peeking around a support beam for visuals of the target. Even though you were concerned for the safety of Sasuke you badly wanted to slice the snake man in half. You took a deep breath, your nails digging into the palms of your hands as you clenched your fists. Once it started to sting you applied a thin layer of ice to the wounds, numbing it. Your breathing settled and allowed you to get even closer but just as you moved Orochimaru started to walk towards Kakashi and Sasuke. Your eyes widened as your legs moved on their own, ice being created in the palm of your right hand. You charged at the Sanin, slashing the large ice sword at him. You stood in between him and Kakashi, glancing back at the masked man as sparks of electricity came off one of his hands. The raven-haired man chuckled and eyed your battle stance.

"Ah yes, the famous ice wielder. I heard that you've moved to Konoha and taken in the nine tails boy and Sasuke, how interesting". You glared at him, gritting your teeth to the point where your jaw started to hurt. A deadly aura surrounded you as you held eye contact with the missing-nin, your sandals gripped the stone floor helping you stay in your lowered position. The sword made of only ice rested on your shoulder, ready to remove the head of anyone you pleased. You didn't dare to speak, your objective was to protect Sasuke. Kakashi moved forward, taking the space beside you so he could also face Orochimaru.

"Anyway, as I was saying", Orochimaru continued. His predatory eyes looking past you and to the unconscious boy who lay on the floor behind you.

"Sasuke is an avenger and eventually he will come to me in order to become powerful. I can offer him a lot more than anyone else can, how could he turn down an opportunity like this? He wants to kill his older brother, there is no one else who can give him the amount of power I can".

The thought of losing Sasuke felt like a knife stomach, it made you feel so bad that you started to shake. Orochimaru smirked at the sight of you, it was the first time anyone had seen you look so afraid and weak. The snake man then turned around and left the way he came, disappearing into the shadows. It was only when he was gone that you fell to your knees, your sword smashing into pieces as it made contact with the stone floor. Kakashi rushed to your side, kneeling in front of you. His one visible eye surveyed your face, sighing at the look of shock which sat upon it.

"(Y/n), calm down", he whispered, placing his hands on your shoulders. Only now did you notice him right in front of you. You opened your mouth to speak but nothing would come out, it was as if all moisture had been replaced with sand. You lifted your hand to your mouth and let out a series of loud, painful coughs. But you refused to lift your head afterwards.

"Look at me", Kakashi said quietly. You didn't listen, keeping your eyes tightly shut to avoid all emotion which begged to be let out. He let out a sigh as he watched the floor which the two of you kneel upon become wet with fresh tears. You hadn't cried for a while now, you remembered the last time being when you went to see Zabuza's grave for the first and most likely last time. How were you supposed to hold back now when the thought of losing one of the people you thought to be most precious in your life. You wouldn't let yourself fall into the same dark pit again and you certainly wouldn't let Orochimaru take him.

"(Y/n), look at me", Kakashi repeated, sounding as if he were desperate. Without fear of judgement, you raised your head, sending him a wide smile. Tears continued to roll down your cheeks and drip off of your chin as your sobs became audible but you continued to smile.

"I won't let him take Sasuke". You shook your head, loose pieces of hair bouncing as you did.

"And I won't let anyone take Naruto either, anyone who wants to get to them will have to get through me. I won't let it happen again, I won't!", you exclaimed.

The masked Jounin nodded his head slowly, not letting the admiration shine in his eye. It was true though, he admired you a lot. You were strong and even after having to go through so much you continued to fight. You protect those around you with everything you have, not letting anything get in the way of your goal. And now, after so much pain and suffering, you continued to smile. Such determination made him smile lightly behind his mask, you reminded him of someone. An old teammate perhaps...

It's been a while, not sure how long. Maybe a week or so but here we are. Sorry for the wait, I was a little preoccupied. Not with anything important but with just watching anime and reading manga, y'know the good shit. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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