Chapter 10

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I wake up and I'm in even more pain than I was yesterday. I get up and look in the mirror to see that my bruises got worse.

I groan and get in the shower.

I get all ready for school and go downstairs. We still have a lot of food left and since I haven't eaten in like 3 days. Well I had an apple 2 days ago but that's about it.

I've gotten a lot skinnier without even trying and I threw my backpack on and walk out the door to school.

"Look what her dad did"

"She is getting abused"

"I should feel bad but I don't"

"Wow she really has a fucked up life"

"Her dad did something I've been wishing to do"

"He got good hits"

What? Who said my dad beat me? My dad is dead.

I kept my head down and I'm crying. Shit stop crying.

I gently wiped my tears away and I felt someone grab onto my bruised arm.

I winced and turned to see Jason.

"Hey I heard what happened with your dad. It isn't safe being around him how about you bring your stuff to my house and you can stay there" he said softly.

"I don't need your help. None of you know anything about my life. Leave me alone!" I snapped.

He looked taken back and started walking again.

"Wait Alexandria! It's not safe being with your dad!" Jason yelled.

Everyone stopped whispering and talking and stared at us.

"Know the story before you go around talking about my life" I whispered.

I walked away as tears continued rolling down my cheeks.

*Jason's pov*

"Bro! Her dad didn't beat her who did?" I asked.

"It looked like her dad man. Calm down" he chuckled.

"Jack. Who did that to her?" I asked.

"Why do you care so much? You're the most popular guy in school. You are going to ruin it talking to her" he laughed.

"I don't give a fuck about popularity. We are sophomores we aren't anybody outside of school" I growled.

"Lighten up man. She probably put makeup on to get attention" he shrugged.

"Did you make up a lie about her? That her dad did that to her?" I asked.

"Who gives a fuck" he said.

"I care! Now tell me!" I snapped.

"Fine. Me and some cheerleaders did it. You know Lindsey she wants you all to herself so she helped me along with a few of her friends" he shrugged.

"You did that to her!" I yelled.

"Calm your tits" he yelled back.

I pushed him to the ground and walked away.

I saw Alexandria walking away and I ran up to her, since school was over.

"Want to come to mine?" I asked.

"No thank you. I need to find a job" she said politely.

"Do that another day let's hang out" I smiled.

"How much money will you get?" she asked.

"For what?" I questioned.

"Well I am a bet. So how much will you get for spreading my secrets around. $50? 75? 100? she asked.

"I'm not doing that" I said.

"Right" she laughed.

"Who told you that?" I asked.

"Your best friend" she mumbled.

"Jack? The one who hurt you?" I questioned.

She nodded and looked down.

"You aren't a bet ok? I promise you. Now let's hang at mine" I smiled.

She nodded and we walked to my car.

She curled up in a ball against the door and closed her eyes.

"You ok?" I asked softly.

"Yeah" she whispered.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

She didn't say anything until we pulled in my driveway.

"I miss my dad. I miss my mom. I want them back" she cried.

I gave a questioning look but walked around my car and carried her in the house. She is extremely light.

My parents gave me a questioning look but I waved them off.

"What do you mean you miss your dad?" I asked.

"He died 2 days ago" she whimpered.

Oh shit. Both her parents.

I hugged her and she cried in my arms.

"It's going to be ok" I whispered.

She just cried and cried until I heard soft snores. I looked down and she was sleeping.

She is going to need clothes for tomorrow.

I walked back out with her sleeping in my arms and both my parents smiled at me.

I drove her home and gently carried her inside and in her bed.

I kissed her forehead and took her old converse off. I covered her up with a blanket and went home and fell asleep.
I hope you guys enjoyed💕 2-18-18

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