Chapter 13

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"Wake up honey" I hear someone say.

I slowly open my eyes and my mom was hovering over me with a smile.

"Mom?" I asked.

She put a tray of food on my desk and sat on my bed.

"Happy 16th birthday" she smiled.

"Birthday? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I live here" she laughed.

I hugged her and she laughed and my dad walked in with a huge smile on his face.

"Bye love you" he smiled at us.

My mom got up and she walked through my door. I followed her and her and my dad were arguing.

"We aren't leaving my daughter!" my mom yelled.

"Come on she can survive! Just us! Just how it always has been" dad smiled.

"Fine hurry she is right there" my mom smirked.

They ran out of the house and I started screaming.

"Come back!" I yelled.

"Bye honey we love you" they smiled at me.

"No! Don't leave me!" I cried.

I tried exiting the house but something was pulling me back.

"Please don't!" I sobbed.

"Wake up! Alex wake up!" I heard someone say.

I shoot up and Jason was right there.

I was breathing heavily and wiped my tears that were on my face.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

I nodded still catching my breath and got out of bed without saying a word.

He walked out of the room and I got ready and walked downstairs where his mother was singing and his dad was smiling at her.

I smiled but then frowned because my mom and dad were the same way.

That's where I got my singing from. She and my grandmother could sing really well and she said I had a beautiful voice.

Jason was already at the table and was smiling at them.

I don't want to ruin this family moment.

I slowly walked back to the room I slept in without them seeing me and I sat on the bed.

I stared up at the ceiling as I stared off into space.

"Hey, breakfast is ready" Jason said softly.

"Eat without me I'm not hungry" I mumbled.

"You already so skinny, you have to eat" he sighed.

I groaned but followed him to the kitchen where his parents smiled at me.

"Good morning Alexandria" his mom smiled.

"Morning" he dad mumbled.

Ok well his dad already hates me for what reason? Don't know.

I smiled at them and waved and sat next to Jason.

I fiddled with my thumbs when he tapped my shoulder.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

I nodded and his mom set food down in front of me and boy was it a lot.

I ate it slowly until we were told to leave.

I emptied my dish and put it in the dishwasher and Jason just left his food there and we walked to his car.

"My mom could have put it away" he said as we got in the car.

"I wasn't brought up like that" I shrugged.

"Right" he groaned while rolling his eyes.

"I'm sorry I'm not rich like you. I'm sorry that I'm not as good as you. But you know I am trying my god damn best" I said.

"Sorry I didn't mean for it to sound rude" he sighed.

I just nodded and stared out the window.

When we got to school I jogged towards the building and walked to first period.

*after work*

I worked later than usual and it's 11:30 as I'm currently walking home.

I still have homework too, oh gosh.

I get home and it's a little past midnight. I start doing my homework and I don't finish until 4:45.

I have a project that was given yesterday and it's due today. Plus a 5 page essay due today. I hate high school.

I don't even bother sleeping cause I have to wake up in 15 minutes anyways.

I take a cold-ish shower to wake myself up and throw on a sweater and jeans.

I blow dry my hair and leave it down, I put my retainer in and I go downstairs.

I play on my phone until 6:30 while non-stop yawning and slip my converse on and head off to school.

I'm so glad it's Friday and I don't have work.

Once school was over I walk home. I haven't seen Jason all day and honestly I kind of missed him. Ugh what is happening with me.

I go home and see his car in the driveway. What is he doing?

I walk in and see him standing there smiling.

"Yes?" I asked.

"We are going to a party!" he cheered.

"We?" I questioned.

"Yup. You and I are going to a party" he smiled.

"I'm so tired, I got no sleep last night. I'm not going to a party" I sighed.

"Only for a few hours. When you want to leave we will come back here" he said.

"Promise?" I asked.

"Promise" he repeated.

I stuck out my pinkie and he laughed while shaking it with his.

I guess I'm going to my very first party.
How do you think this will go? But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter💕 2-20-18

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