Chapter 42

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"Babe!" I heard Jason say.

I ignored him as I am "mad" at him. Well as were were running in the sand I tripped and fell and he started laughing at me.

So I have been ignoring him for my own entertainment.

"Baby!" he whined.

He walked into the room and crouched down trying to kiss me but I turned so my back was facing him.

"Princess please I'm sorry" he said.

"Bro! You're so whipped" Jack laughed sitting on the counter.

He was eating an apple watching all this go down.

"I am not" Jason groaned.

"You are literally on your knees begging her to not to ignore you. If that's not being whipped than I don't know what is. She has you wrapped around her little finger" Jack continued to laugh.

Jason groaned and started shaking me.

"Alexandriaaaaaaaa" he said carrying out the 'a.'

I laughed silently and got up and sat next to Jack.

"Hey Jack" I smiled.

"Oh hey" he smiled back.

"I'M RIGHT HERE!" Jason said.

"What do you want to do later?" I asked.

"Want to go get ice cream?" he questioned.

"I WANT ICE CREAM!" Jason whined.

"Yeah I would love ice cream" I smiled.

"WHAT ABOUT ME?! I WANT ICE CREAM!" Jason called out.

I laughed and Jack high fived me. I walked to my room and grabbed some money and tucked it into my back pocket where my phone was. I was wearing shorts and a tank top that showed my belly button. 

"Baby" Jason said.

I went to walk by him but he grabbed both my hands and pinned me against the wall. He smashed his lips to mine but I didn't respond. I. Can't. Respond. Oh who am I kidding. I soon wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back. I felt him smile and he slowly pulled away.

"I knew you couldn't ignore me forever" he smirked.

I laughed and we got ice cream.
At 7 we walked down the road to the beach party that was happening. We could already hear the music from here and I grabbed onto Jason's hand.

He squeezed it reassuring me as Jack was so excited he ran ahead of us.

When we got there, there were so many people I actually wanted to leave. I grabbed a bottle of soda and started drinking it.

"I'm going to go find Jack before he gets too drunk and goes skinny dipping again" Jason laughed.

I nodded and he kissed me and walked off. I pushed passed the people and started walking by the water. I stuck my feet in the water and started walking along the beach.

Oh fuck it's cold.

"Hey" I heard someone say.

I turned around and it was a kid about my age.

"Hello" I said.

"What is a pretty girl like you doing all by yourself?" he asked.

"I'm not pretty" I laughed.

"Says you" he shrugged.

"And the people at my school" I shrugged back.

"They call you ugly?" he asked.

He took a sip of his beer and threw the empty bottle in the sand and opened up the other bottle he was holding in his hand.

"Yeah" I nodded.

"They are jealous" he said.

"Sure" I laughed.

"What's your name anyways?" he asked.

"Alexandria. You?" I questioned.

"Max" he mumbled.

I nodded and started walking away but he called me again.

"Why you walking away from me pretty thang" he smirked.

"Cause you are a person I don't know" I shrugged.

"Well I could tell you one thing. I'm am your future husband" he smirked.

I already hate him.

"I have a boyfriend of 8 months" I glared.

"Not for long" he laughed.

He walked towards me and I started running away until he grabbed my arms wiping me around and slammed his lips to mine.

I fell onto the sand and he laid on top of me kissing me. I tried my hardest to push him off but he is 3 times my size. His hands moved up my legs and up my shirt gripping my hips tightly. I started screaming and crying but no one heard me because of the loud music being played. I finally pushed him off and started running as fast as I could.

I ran around frantically trying to find Jason as tears were running down my face but I saw Jack sitting on some bench drinking beer.

I ran to him and started crying and hugging him.

"Woah what happened?" he asked.

He pushed me into his lap and held me tightly as I sobbed into his shirt. I shivered and cried as he rocked slowly back and forth.

"Babe?" I heard someone say.

I looked up and it was a jealous looking Jason standing there. I leaped out of Jack's arms and hugged Jason.

"What's wrong princess?" he asked.

"I swear I didn't- he came on- I didn't mean to" I sobbed.

"Calm down" he whispered.

I put my ear up to his heart and tried matching his breaths. I soon calmed down but was still crying.

"This guy, his name was Max and he kissed me. I tried pushing him away but he wouldn't get off of me. He hurt me" I cried.

Anger flashed through his eyes and he looked at me and it softened.

"I don't know what he looked like but he grabbed onto my hips" I whimpered.

He pulled me into a hug and Jack ran off towards the party, probably to go find this guy named Max.

"Baby it's ok it's over I'm here" he whispered.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't want him to kiss me" I said softly.

"It's ok. I'm not mad. Lets get home ok I'll text Jack" he said.

I nodded and he texted Jack really quick and I held my hips.

He looked at them and it was in fact already bruising.

I shivered at his warm hands and he shrugged off his hoodie and put it on me. He scooped me up into his arms and I laid against him listening to his heart beat.

"I love you" I mumbled.

"I love you too baby girl" he whispered.

With that I fell asleep.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter💕 3-12-18

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