Chapter 17

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I wake up and rub my eyes and realize I'm on Jason.

I slowly moved and put my glasses on and realize it's 7:00!


"JASON GET UP!" I screamed.

He jumped off the couch and groaned.

"School starts in 20 minutes hurry!" I yelled.

I ran up to my room and realized I have no clean clothes. Shit I forgot to do laundry.

I throw on another pair of grey sweats and a maroon sweatshirt. I brush my hair out and put my hair in a messy bun and slip my converse on.

Jason was still rubbing his butt from when he fell so I quickly brushed my teeth and put my retainer in and Jason and I switched spots.

It was now 7:10 and I'm not about to be late.

"JASON COME ON!" I screamed.

He came out of the bathroom wearing adidas joggers, a black sweatshirt and his vans.

He smiled at me up and down and I groaned.

"Nerd gone lazy" he laughed.

"Shut up" I groaned.

I walked out of my house and into his car and he was casually strolling to his car.

It's now 7:15 and I was panicking.

"Please hurry" I whined.

He laughed and sped off to school and we got there 2 minutes before it actually started.

I ran out of the car and I heard him laughing and I sat down in my first period out of breath as the bell rang.

Still on time. Yes.

*after school*

I'm glad I don't have work again today. I walk out as people are whispering about what I'm wearing, like they were doing all day.

"Hey rat face! You finally ran out of clothes!" I heard someone yell.

I sighed and kept my head down.

"Bro leave her alone" I heard Jason say.

"You're the one who came up with it. You are a softy now" I'm guessing one of his friends said.

"Whatever dude" Jason groaned.

I continued walking and I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder.

I turned my head slightly and saw Jason smiling at me.

"I tried texting you when I had a free class but I realized you still had me blocked" he fake frowned.

"Well I would unblock you if I had a phone" I laughed.

"What happened to yours?" he asked.

"Lindsey, Sophia and Allison bruised me up again and they destroyed my phone. Completely shattered it" I groaned.

"I can buy you a new one" he offered.

I shook my head no and he pulled me into his car.

"This is considered kidnaping I am going to call the police" I said.

"Go ahead" he smirked.

"I would if I had a phone" I giggled.

"That's what I thought. I'm not scared" he said.

"You should be. I could have people jump you" I smirked

"Oh come on I was a dickhead when I said that" he whined.

I laughed and he drove off to his house.

"Are we just going to be doing this now? Back and forth from my house to yours?" I questioned.

"I mean sure" he shrugged.

I nodded and stared out the window and I got really cold all of a sudden. Like extremely cold.

"You good?" he asked pulling up to his house.

"Yeah just cold" I shrugged.

We got out of the car and walked up to his house and I took my shoes off outside. Apparently his mom cleaned, or a maid cleaned cause they can afford that.

We walked in and both his parents greeted him with a hug and a kiss and they just smiled at me.

Man I miss that.

We sat on the couch and I was still extremely cold for some reason.

Why? Don't know.

"Can I get a blanket?" I asked.

He nodded and ran out of the room and upstairs.

He came back out with a fuzzy blanket and I wrapped it around myself and I was still really cold.

"Are you sure you are ok?" he asked.

I nodded and brought my knees to my chest.

"Are you hungry or anything?" he questioned.

"Thirsty" I mumbled.

He got up and came back with a water bottle.

I took it and drank some while we watched Drake and Josh.

"I need to get home" I yawned.

I looked over at their huge clock in their living room and it was already 8:30.

"You can stay here tonight" he offered.

"Nah, I'm fine" I said.

"I'll drive you home" he smiled.

I nodded and folded the blanket up and placed it on the couch.

When we got to my house I hugged him bye and walked into my house.

I did my night routine and fell asleep.

*Jason's pov*

You don't understand how adorable Alex looked. I love girls who wear their hair messy and just sweats and a sweatshirt.

She looked absolutely beautiful without even trying. Just her in general is absolutely amazing.

Don't even get me started with her smile, it's like the best thing ever. It's the one thing I look forward to seeing every single day. Boy oh boy would I love waking up to that smile.

Wait. What the fuck am I even saying?

Am I turning soft? No way I'm Jason Carter.

But I do love her smile, and her laugh, her really soft hair, her eyes, just her presence in general. Oh who am I kidding?

I'm definitely turning soft.
Didn't post this earlier cause I had to study for my science test tomorrow and I have to prepare to write a 5 paragraph essay for Civics. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this😂🤦🏼‍♀️💕 2-22-18

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