Chapter 11

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*Jason's pov*

I jump up and throw on my football jersey and black skinny jeans. I fix my hair in the mirror and brush my teeth.

I hop down the stairs and my parents are making breakfast.

"Morning mom. Morning dad" I smiled.

"Morning" they chirped at the same time.

I sat down at the table and go through Instagram. Hey there is a party this Friday.

"So who was that girl?" dad asked.

"Remember Alexandria? The one who came over for studying? It was her" I said.

I got up and grabbed the orange juice.

"She has bruises all over her. Is she ok?" my mom asked.

"Yeah it happened during gym" I lied.

"Is she the one who lives in that run-down shack?" dad questioned.

My mom smacked him and I sighed.

"Yeah. But she also lives there by herself for a 15 year old girl so leave it" I snapped.

(A/N: I know I said 15. Jason doesn't know that her birthday already passed so he thinks she's 15)

He put his hands up in surrender and we just ate eggs, bacon and sausage for breakfast.

I kissed them on the cheek bye and jumped in my car. Let's go pick up Alexandria.

I drive to her house and see she is running down the street. Why? School doesn't start for another 25 minutes.

"Hey hop in!" I yelled.

She jumps in out of breath.

"Sorry I was running late" she breathed.

"It's ok" I smiled.

We got to school and once she got out of the car people sent glares her way. Well mostly girls.

"Ignore them" I whispered.

She looked down and walked off into the school.

*after school*

I have football practice again so I take my shirt off and change into basketball shorts like I usually do.

As I do my normal routine Lindsey keeps staring at me. I dated her for like a week and she cheated on me and now she thinks I'm only hers.

*Alex's pov*

I was walking all over to places who had the sign "Hiring Now" so I got a job at Target, Starbucks, and Dunkin Donuts.

I start tomorrow on all my jobs and get paid every Friday which is good.

Target I work 2:45 to 5:30. Starbucks I work 5:40 to 8:00. Dunkin Donuts I work 8:10 to 10:45. It's a lot but I need to support myself.

I go home and jump on my bed and there is a knock.

I groan and open it up to see Jason.

"Hey" he smiled.

"Hi" I said.

"I came by earlier but you didn't answer" he mumbled.

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