Chapter 32

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It's been a week since Jason left and he comes back in 1 more week. But he hasn't been texting me for the past 3 days and I understand he is busy but he is reading my messages.

All day today everyone has been whispering about Jason and this Kasey girl kissing from a picture either one of them posted.

But it's currently 6:45 and I've been thinking. How would they suddenly make up the name Kasey and how they were kissing on the beach? Why so specific?

I decided to go on Instagram since I barley even use it and I go to Jason's account.

Him and his sister, him and his family, him and a few guys, him and a girl. I clicked the one where he was with the girl and in fact her name was Kasey. Her account name is stupid. kcundercover101 (haha who remembers this show??😂😂).

I clicked on her account and the only picture she posted was in fact her and Jason kissing on the beach. It was 7 hours ago.

kcundercover101: finally have him, I'm gonna miss you when you leave😕😘❤

I didn't realize I had tears running down my face until I saw them drip on my phone.

He cheated? I guess Noah was right, it was all part of his plan and he doesn't actually like me.

I blocked him on my phone and I started crying my eyes out.

I changed out of his clothes and into sweats and a sweatshirt. I threw my hair in a messy bun and got a box from my dad's closet.

I put all his stuff in there and it was a lot. Sweatshirts, sweats, jeans, socks, toothbrush, gel etc. I walked out with the box and to his house.

I knocked on the door and his maid answered the door while holding Flash's collar.

"Hey sweetheart what's wrong?" she asked.

"When Jason and his family come back can you give this to him. It's all of his stuff" I whispered.

"Of course, do you want me to tell him you stopped by?" she asked.

"No. Just put everything back to where it's suppose to be. Have a great night" I mumbled.

I walked off and let the tears fall even more. I can't believe he did this to me. Everyone I love/care about always leaves me. Sophia, mom, dad and now Jason.

When I get home I curl up in a ball and cry myself to sleep once again.

*Jason's pov*

I wake up with the biggest headache. I groan and go to get up but realize I'm not even in my bed. I turned my head and Kasey was staring up at me smiling while laying on my chest.

If you are wondering who Kasey is she is one of our family friend's daughter. She always tried getting with me but she tried to hard. But yesterday we went our drinking with her brother and well I'm some how here.

"Morning babe" she smiled.

She pecked my lips but I pushed her gently and jumped up.

"I'm not your babe" I said.

"Yeah, you asked me to be your girlfriend yesterday" she laughed, her stupid annoying laugh.

"No I have a girlfriend" I groaned.

"Yeah it's me" she said.

"No, it's Alex, back in Arizona" I mumbled.

"Nope forget Alex" she smiled.

"No, I love Alex. Not you. I'm done with you" I yelled.

I walked out grabbing my shoes and ran out to my room that I was sharing with my parents and they were sitting on their bed.

I put my shoes down and sighed. I just messed up everything. I looked up at my mom and she was shaking her head at me and so was my dad.

"Why did you ruin it Jason? Alexandria was such a sweet girl. Why throw it all away for Kasey?" my mom asked.

Well cause I got drunk. I got drunk and stupid. But we also did sneak into this bar so we could actually get drinks so I can't say that. They just think I cheated on Alex because I didn't care about her. Which is a huge lie.

"You're lucky that your sisters wedding was yesterday. Pack your bags we are going back" my dad said.

Which was true. My sister is is no longer a Carter. She is a Michaud. We just wanted to stay an extra week to relax and enjoy Florida since we were busy helping her set the wedding up.

Also I've been ignoring Alex because 3 days ago Kasey kissed me and I was debating whether to tell her or not and well it's worse now. I made out with Kasey, asked her to be my girlfriend and well we slept in the same bed. Not having sex, just sleeping together. While being drunk during all of this, because if I was sober I wouldn't have done it.

I packed my stuff and left without saying a word and I looked down the whole way. I'm going to destroy a really sweet girl that I love. I'm such an idiot.
Once we get home I walk into my room and there was a box on my bed.

"Alexandria came and stopped by last night. She looked upset but she told me to put all your stuff away but I didn't want to invade your privacy" my maid Lucy said.

I nodded and looked inside the box and my heart dropped. It's all of my things I left at her house. My eyes filled up with tears and I threw the box across the room and I collapsed on my bed crying my eyes out.

She found out.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter💕 3-7-18

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