Chapter 29

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I wake up and roll out of bed. I don't bother taking a shower and I just put high waisted jeans on and a plain white shirt.

I brush my hair out and it's wavy and I smiled at myself in my mirror. I slipped my converse on and threw my backpack over my shoulders since it was 6:00.

Mine💕: Hey princess...

Mine💕: I'm sorry I yelled at you I shouldn't have reacted like that. You just felt bad cause you think it's your fault.

Mine💕: Please don't ignore me

Mine💕: Pleaseeee. Babyyyy😫

Mine💕: I'm picking you up at 6:45

I sighed and tucked my phone in my back pocket. I grabbed a granola bar and ate it as I walked out the door.

I walked the long way to school making sure Jason doesn't drive this way. I don't want to talk to him right now.

As I arrive at school and it's 6:50. I have another half hour until school officially starts.

I just walk inside and sit in the girls bathroom stall with my head in my knees.

*Jason's pov*

I arrive at her house and knock on her door. I lost my key to her house somewhere and I don't remember where it is.

I open the door to see if it's unlocked and surprised that is. I walked right in and called out her name but she didn't answer. I walked into her room and she wasn't there, along with her shoes and backpack.


I go back in my car and sped off to school and basically run towards the front door.

"Yo bro what's the rush!" I hear Jack say.

"Nothin man" I shrugged.

"Whatever dude, you are defiantly whipped" he laughed.

I shook my head and walked into the school and looked for Alex throughout the halls. But wasn't anywhere.

When it was almost time for first period I walked to Science and she was there in her seat at the second table to the left.

As people piled in I smiled knowing she is safe and take a seat at the first table.

*after school*

I haven't talked to Alex all day and it's making me mad and upset. I shouldn't have yelled at her like that when she was only trying to help me.

I drive to her house knowing she won't get in my car even if I followed her all the way here.

I got out of my car and went inside. I sat on her couch and waited for her to come home. Which better be fast because it's suppose to storm soon.

*Alex's pov*

I really don't want to talk to him today but I know I have to.

I walk inside and once again tackled in a huge hug.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you. I shouldn't have reacted like that. It made me upset knowing you were mad at me. I missed talking to you today, I couldn't concentrate." he whispered.

I just hugged him back. Man his hugs are the best.

"Do you forgive me?" he asked.

I looked up at him and he was giving me his puppy dog face that is absolutely adorable.

"Yes" I said.

He smiled at me, his little goofy smile and I giggled.

I snuggled into his chest while we were still in the hug and I pulled away.

"I'm going to go change" I said.

He nodded and I went up the stairs trying to find his other sweatshirt that I stole.

I actually stole 3, a black one, a white one and a dark blue one. He also left a pair of joggers here so I'll let him borrow those tonight.

I put on some spandex and I heard it start raining. I didn't know it was suppose to rain.

I decided just to put on his dark blue sweatshirt that goes down a little above my knees.

I was debating whether or not to put my hair up but I just leave it down.

I then heard thunder soon followed by a flash of lightning and I shrieked.

I ran out of the room and down the stairs into the living room tackling Jason.

"You ok?" he asked.

I shook my head no and buried my face into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I'm scared of thunderstorms" I mumbled.

I heard him laugh and I glared at him.

"Meany" I said like a little kid.

I stuck my bottom lip out and he smiled at me. He pecked my lips and I soon smiled at him as well.

"Don't worry nothing will happen" he whispered.

He took a blanket from the side of the couch and wrapped me in it. He grabbed another one and wrapped himself in it while putting it on me as well.

We laid on the couch me snuggled into him with the TV really loud to block out the thunder.

Around 9:45 the power went out I shrieked.

"Have any candles?" he asked.

"Yeah, top right cabinet in the kitchen" I said.

He moved me off of him but I grabbed his wrist.

"I'll be back" he smiled.

He walked out and I sat in the darkness just as really loud thunder boomed and lightning struck right outside my living room window.

I dug my face into my knees and the wind started picking up. I started crying. Like crying really bad. I'm petrified and Jason is taking way to long.

He came back with candles and a lighter but he dropped them on the couch and hugged me.

"Hey it's ok. Don't cry I don't like when you cry" he whispered.

I buried my face into his chest and he wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"Don't leave me" I whispered.

"I won't ever leave you not for anyone or anything" he whispered.

"Promise?" I asked.

"Promise" he repeated.

He slid me off of him and he picked up the candles again.

He lit a few and scattered them across the living room so it lights up the room.

"Want to sleep down here?" he asked.

He pulled me into his lap again and I just nodded.

He whispered soothing things in my ear, kissed the top of my head and make jokes just so I would feel safe and fall asleep.

I'm definitely falling hard for this boy.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter💕 3-4-18

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