1. Captured

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Dedicated to  masonfitzzy     

A/N I really hope you guys enjoy this, please vote, follow, and comment. I would love to hear what you readers have to say, it means the world to me you even view, would love to hear what you guys want/think. 

Love you all!


"No no...no..." Anika cried, she kicked her car. The yellow Slug-bugs engine had died half way through the unmarked path in the middle of no where. Tears welled up in the corners of her blue eyes, her light blonde hair was bouncing as she kicked the car again. "Oh come on!" She yelled.

She heard a twig snap, she let out a gasp and turned. Wolves and bears were in these woods, she jumped into the backseat of the car. She locked all the doors and covered herself in a blanket. Whatever was there would not be able to see her.

She heard scratching on the front door, wolves? Then she heard a voice. She popped her head up, there was a man. His hair was gray, his eyes a dark green. She saw a large greyhound with him. He was still scratching at the door.

She slowly opened the door, stepping out meekly. "Hey...uhm hey.. can you help me." She said catching him off guard, she had closed the door. He turned towards her in surprise, in his left hand was a rope in the right a knife.

She turned in panic, she began to run towards the woods, the trees became thicker as she made her way deeper into the forest. She felt her heart beating quickly and her blood racing, her breathing was becoming uneven.

"Why did my car have to die? Why why why..." She cried as she kept running, she heard the sound of voices becoming clearer. Children laughing and dogs barking.

She stopped moving, she couldn't bring someone with a knife into a place with children, must be a campsite. She went to turn when the dog pounced, she let out a scream. She closed her eyes waiting for it to bite her. She gasped as it began to lick her happily. She pushed the large greyhound off her. She went to stand when the dog took hold of her pastel blue dress. She pulled on the dress, the sound of the fabric ripping filled her ears. She tumbled back into the arms of the man who had chased her this far.

She let out a scream. "Help please help!" She cried, the man snickered he pressed the knife against her light skin. She felt it nick her collar bone, she let out a soft cry. "Help!" She screamed. Her crimson blood dripped down her chest.

She heard him laugh. "What help do you think you will receive?" He asked, his voice was gruff. She struggled against him. He grabbed the rope and tied her wrists together, a long piece was left to drag her towards the sounds of laughter and barking.

She dug her heels into the ground, he smirked and tossed her over his shoulder. She let out a scream as he carried her into the clearing. The sound of laughter became louder. She let out a cry as she was dropped into a chair.

Children and others circled around her.

"Kill her or keep her?" The man asked looking her over, Anika shivered her eyes wide. "Well."

"I wanna keep her." Whispered a small girl, her ginger curls tied in blood splattered ribbon.

"Well who else agrees with Sydney?" The man asked, a smile covered his face, he patted the young girl's shoulder. She looked to them with wide eyes, children ranged in age from a few months to entering adulthood. Adults too aged from young to old, dogs and cats stayed close to the children. She could hear the sound of cows, pigs, and chickens.

She was shaking still, the people seemed strange. They were divided in attire, one half of the adults and all the children wore clothes that made them seem like farmers, sun dresses and overalls; none of the kids had shirts with decals or images of Disney characters or superhero's. The other half of the people wore clothing that fit in with the society she lived in. Tattered jeans and t-shirts.

Cannibalistic - book oneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora