18: I Will Show You My Love

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Jace watched her as she slept, curled on her side. He smirked as Carter slept with her, she held him close, but carefully. He wanted to express his love to her, but he was unsure of it, what would she like?

He realized something, she liked being around and seeing people. He was going to do something, he would have never thought of before; however he loves her and he was going to prove to her that this was what he was going to do.

He packed a diaper bag, and some snacks. He made sure enough was packed for an entire day, he thought she was obsessed with him by now. As he packed the car up to ensure they would be ready for a day trip out he heard the kids talking loudly standing in a circle around something.

"What are ya'll doin?" He asked, the twins were poking something with a stick.

"I found a dead guy." Max replied. "Well I thought he was dead, till he rolled over." Jace stopped and raced over to them.

"You mean to tell me you haven't killed him yet?" Jace asked as he kicked the man over slightly, wondering if the man had a weapon or anything. "Where exactly did you find him?"

"He was down by the smaller lake, I should have known he wasn't dead when I saw the beer bottles." Max replied as the kids spoke about him and kicked him with their small feet. He groaned and sat up slowly, the worst part about it was he noticed Jace had a knife in his pocket. He scrambled back almost knocking Max over. Jace smirked, an idea sparking.

"Kids hold him down, somebody has got to learn to stop drinking." They excitedly grabbed him and found some rope and grabbed a hose. They tied him down roughly, he screamed but soon he was gagged using two carrots from the garden. He coughed but continued to struggle.

"What are you going to do to him?"

"Well he has a heart, and I want to prove to Anika how much I care for her, and I want it to be symbolic ya get me."

"How romantic!" The girls giggled, he smirked and nodded as he stabbed the knife in. He dragged it down across his chest the man kicked and screamed until soon the struggling stopped, as Jace pulled the heart free from the man, still beating.

"Clean him up, do what you want him with. " He walked up towards the house, the warm blood dripping down his arm. He smirked as he opened the door seeing Carter was in his crib, he saw the bathroom door was open. He stepped in seeing her step out of the shower, she stumbled back.

"Jace..Jace..what is...who's heart is that?" She asked hiding behind the covers, she was scared, who had he killed, the blood was new the heart was no longer pumping but she new it was warm.

"I wanted to let you know, you have my heart." He offered it towards her, she was starting to shiver as the air covered her like a blanket. She actually laughed, at first she thought she was insane, she was of course afraid but she was honestly laughing.

"Oh Jace...you honestly are a different kind of man." A smile spread across his face, he set the heart down on the counter, the white sink top pooling in crimson. He washed his hands and she left to get dressed, when she walked back in he had the heart in a box. "So whos..whos heart is that?"

"Max dragged some drunk guy up here, the kids were poking him with sticks. I wanted to make sure he didn't hurt them." She nodded understanding, she felt crazy was she seriously falling for this psycho? He just brought her a heart in a box. "I have one last gift for you today, I ummm..I know you never really got to be around people often. Never got to go to school or be with people, going to malls or anything. So I wanted to take you with me to get supplies and stuff. The store; get some baby clothes, toys, anything you want. I just want you to see people if you want."

She gasped, he was willing to do this for her; she could get help, save her children, save the children here, and keep other people safe. 

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