2. Rules

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Jace let out a slow breath and made his way done to the kitchen, he opened the fridge and grabbed a few apple slices, a glass of water, a slice of bread, and a few assorted meats. She was really cute and he was hoping the two would work out.

He let out another deep breath as he turned to go back up the stairs, he unlocked the door and walked in, he would not leave his back to her. He shut the door, locking it. She was crying on his bed, her body shaking her blonde hair shifting. "Hey hey hey," he tried to console her. He placed his hand on her back and she turned quickly pushing his hand away. "I brought you food, I hope you will become comfortable here. I promise it ain't that bad, we really do care about you. I care about you."

He looked her over and saw her blue orbs examining his face. "My dads going down to your car. He said he'll bring you your stuff once he checks for any weapons and then you can have it"

"No weapons," She whispered, "d..didn't think I would need it..." she shook. He helped her into a sitting position, he noticed the tear in her dress.

"Did the dog do that?" He asked grabbing the hem. She nodded her head, he frowned. "You want a pair of shorts or something?"

"No I like the dress, even with the rip.." she replied. He nodded and handed her the plate.

"Eat up." He said rubbing her arm reassuringly. "It ain't gonna hurt you. Here you want me to share a piece with you?"

She felt safer now, at least she knew it wasn't poisoned. He picked up a piece of meat. He bit one half, it looked almost like bacon. She hesitantly took a bite. It was almost sweet. Brown sugar maybe?

She began to eat the rest of the meat, then the apple. She gulped down the water. "How long had it been since you last ate?" He asked. She was frail, looked sick almost.


She stopped mid bite of the bread, if he knew about her past he would not want her there. Perfect, she set the bread down.

"My car is not mine." She began. "Neither is the phone."

He raised an eyebrow leaning on his elbow listening. "Go on."

"I stole the car, and the phone. My parents abused me, hurt me and I had to go. They wouldn't let me leave, no matter how hard I tried. So I slipped pills in their drinks and waited till they fell asleep and took their stuff. I had to leave. They were hurting me."

He took her hands in his. "Did they do anything more then physically hurt you? Did they ra-"

She shook her head, shaking, was he going to do that to her? "No, still a virgin."

"Have you had your first kiss yet?" He asked a smirk running across his face, he still wanted her there? After telling him she was a runaway, people would be looking for the car and the phone, maybe her.

"No.." she replied feeling dumb. She was homeschooled, wasn't allowed outside much. She had never even been outside the city, and now she was in some crazy kidnappers room.

"Neither have I." He replied. "You will be safe her, no one will hurt you again. Not unless you misbehave, you wouldn't do that would you?"

"Misbehave how?" She asked softly.

His eyes flashed with realization. "Oh I still haven't told you the rules have?" He smiled. "Well for the first little while, until we can trust you won't run you will have to either be handcuffed to me or I will have to lead you around on leash and collar. I am having a party in a few days so you may end up with some collars anyway, they were talking about giving me a girl during my party but now I have you." She let out a whine and sat back against the headboard. She crisscrossed her legs, he was sick.

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