💓 part one ; scottish girl 💓

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moving to london tomorrow and judging by the state of my geordie bff i'm going to be surrounded by madmen (732 likes)


the whole country should be behind bars tbh


i'll trade your bbm pin for survival tips


woahvicky people still use bbm??

hayley's pms

imallexx: so you're from scotland? sick

pengtinghayley: not as sick as it sounds mate

literally hasn't stopped raining for the past 4 days

imallexx: same here

london is pretty nice though. we should meet up when you move here

pengtinghayley: i'll need some of your survival tips first ;)

don't want me to die before we can meet, do you?

imallexx: haha no

tip number 1: get a flatmate fast. house pricing in london is absolutely mental

youtubers are the best flatmates btw

pengtinghayley: are you hinting something??

imallexx: maaaaaybe 😂

seriously tho - need a niCe gUY to move in because my flatmate's got anxiety

and you seem pretty nice?

pengtinghayley: I'll consider your offer lmao

going to bed now but i'll message you later with my answer x

imallexx: hope it's yes 

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