☀️ part six ; 5'6" ☀️

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"heya. i'm george."

"hayley," i say, smiling back at him. he turns bright red and retreats back into his room.

"He'll get used to you," alex laughs. "One sec, will's in the kitchen." he once again spins round and bellows "WILL! HAYLEY MONROE IS HERE!"

"MAD! ONE SEC!" a distinctively Geordie accents yells back. a clashing sound comes from the kitchen and a... square faced??? man strolls through the doorless arch, a wide grin plastered on his face. this guy is definitely not 5'6". more like 6'. the polar opposite to george, it seems, at least in height and personality.

"Alright! I'm Will," he says, shaking my hand aggressively. i giggle slightly and wave my hand at him. 


"Will doesn't actually live here but he might as well," alex says, punching will in the arm. will rubs it reproachfully. i hear him mutter 'nonce' as he goes back into the kitchen. "anyway, we can continue your tour if you want. the balcony is just out there--"

i cut through him, shaking my head. "nah, it's good. i'm moving in," i say, grinning.

"Nice!" he exclaims, raising his hand for a high five. i laugh and whack my palm into his. "Jesus, that was hard. Anyway, i'll have to explain to you how we do the rent payments and how the oven works and that, but i'll let you unpack first."

oops. i forgot about that part. "shit, i left my suitcase at the hotel. haven't even signed out of it yet. i'll have to get an uber to get back there."

"Oh okay. i'm going out to tesco to get some food but here's a key-" he delves his hand into the pocket of his white jeans and draws out a small copper key, "-and your room is the second door on the left. first door is mine, third is george's, door on the right is the bathroom and the arch goes into the kitchen. see you!"

and with that he's gone out.

living with two - three, if you count will - guys might be a bit mental. especially since george is terrified of me and will is... something else, really. but since when was that a bad thing?

at least alex is normal.

thank god for normal people.

it's currently 7:59 in the morning and whoosh i felt like writing so here it is bitches

don't worry george won't be terrified of hayley forever

i have plans for that nonce

big plans

also go check out @georgememeulous101 's  nonce club

it's proper sick

thank y'all for reading this far, this book has been growing pretty fast and it means so much to me xx

flirty bitch ☆ memeulousΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα