💬 part 20 ; ?? 💬

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"it's been ten minutes. should we try and wake her up or--"

"no, that'll just make it worse. i know you're scared or stressed or both right now, but we just need to leave her be."


"george? talk to me."

"it's... it's just terrifying. she just collapsed like that, right in front of me. and i didn't know what to do then you and will came running in like that and she's s-still not awake--" 

"it's okay george. it's okay. i fucking hate seeing you like this. look, come here. cry into my chest if you want. i know from experience it's nicer than crying on nothing."

"you're such a great friend alex, and i'm- i'm-- i can't--"

"hey, hey, it's okay. shhhh. it's just the anxiety talking. hayley will be fine, okay?" 

"but i haven't told her a-about it yet and what if- what if she wants to break up with me when i d-do--"

"of course she won't want to break up with you over that! it's so obvious she really likes you, you know."

"re - really?" 

"really. and i don't think it changes anything." 

"but that's not everything! wi- w--"

"look, you're confused about your sexuality. i was there once. but you need to make sure that what you're feeling is real before you ruin anything, okay?"

"what if h-hayley finds out and she ha- and she hates me--"

"she'll have to find out eventually, and you'll have to be the one to tell her. tell her tomorrow, when she wakes up. talk to her before she finds out by herself and gets hurt."

"but what if i- what if i actually d- do want to date him?" 


"fuck alex, don't go silent on me--"

"you'll have to talk about that too." 

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