🥂 part 15 ; night 🥂

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"hey george?"


george turns to me with a soft smile, his eyes creasing. 

"want to go home now? it's literally 10. pitch black."

"fuck, i hadn't noticed," he laughs, ruffling his hair and sitting up. "too busy staring at you i guess."

"cheesy," i grin, punching him in the shoulder, but my cheeks flush red. thank god it's too dark for him to see it.



i stretch and come up onto my feet, offering george a hand up. he takes it. i still can't get over how small his hands are. how small he is. i don't let go. we begin to stroll down the path, a comfortable silence enveloping us.

just our entwined hands and a blanket of stars.

time skip ; 10:27pm. at the flat.

"OI ALEX, LOVEBIRDS ARE BACK!" will belows as we step through the door.

a faint chant of "GET SOME" comes from the living room.

"hey will," i chuckle, grabbing george's hand and pulling him into the sitting room. "guessing you've had a few beers?"

"2.7! i get drunk really easily and alex is a midget. we're engaged!" he gestures to the small boy splayed on the sofa with a paper crown, beaming drunkenly.


"this is dani cohn all over again," george mutters. "next thing you know they'll appear in a pornhub mpreg video."

"oh my god, alex," will gasps, spinning around to face him. "we should adopt a sphynx cat!"

"fuck yeah!" alex grabs an empty beer bottle next to him and taps it. "hello?" will leaps down next to him and starts poking it too.

"yeah, let's go to bed," i whisper. george giggles and leads me into his room. 

"this is a regular thing now?" i tease. "me sleeping with you?"

"if you want it to be," he blushes. "plus there's no sheets on your bed. you couldn't sleep in there anyway."

"fair play cutie." i launch myself onto the soft sheets and gesture for him to do the same. " i cannot be arsed to get changed. join me."

he laughs and jumps onto the bed too, snuggling under the covers. i climb under and rest my head on his shoulder. his hand absentmindedly reaches out and toys with my hair, his eyes half-closed.

"i'm so glad we went out today. i honestly like you so much," he murmurs.

"same here. we should go out again some time."

"i'd love to," he smiles, his eyes fluttering shut. a small smile on my lips, i rest my head into his shoulder and close my eyes. i'm asleep in minutes.

flirty bitch ☆ memeulousWhere stories live. Discover now