🍂 part 14 ; swan lake 🍂

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he was all i could look at. whilst he talked and giggled and blushed, i couldn't take my eyes off him. a somewhat boyish porcelain face like that of a doll. chestnut curls that catch the glowing sunset-light perfectly. golden-flecked green eyes that shine when he laughs.

he's beautiful. he's fucking beautiful.

we halt by the edge of the shimmering lake, slowly stopping our conversation. the soft, smudgy pinks and vibrant oranges of the sunset reflect off the water. we're the only people here now. nobody else in this tree-ringed paradise.  

"look at it," he whispers, enthralled. "the sunset. it's incredible."

we stop for a minute. just staring at the sunset. it's perfect.

i turn and face him, my eyes wide. i find him gazing at me too.

i reach out and wrap a hand around his waist, not breaking eye contact. his soft breath flutters on my face. his delicate hand finds my hair, plays with it.

i'm entirely lost in the moment. entranced. 

he slowly brings his hand out of my locks and brushes a finger against my cheek. my lips. i find myself blushing, my cheeks the same dusty pink as the sunset. electricity runs through me. 

it's just me and george. everything else fades away. we don't need to say anything.

slowly, i lean forward and press my lips softly against his. he doesn't tense up like he used to when i touched him. everything about this is just so right.

i tilt my head to the side, deepening the kiss. his lips move with mine.

when we pull away we're both blushing.

"fuck," he murmurs. he bites his lip. "you're a good kisser."

"i can do better."

"really?" he teases, running a casual hand down my waist. it lingers dangerously close to my ass. he smirks. "prove it."

i smash my lips against his and pull myself into him. my hands entwined in his hair. i lightly bite his thick lower lip, flicking my tongue against it. a small moan escapes his mouth, granting my tongue access. my tongue roams around every inch of his mouth. i wrap my legs around him, gently pulling on the back of his hair.

i withdraw, causing a disappointed whine to escape his throat. he's panting. his eyes burn into mine, gleaming with lust.

"you like that?" i whisper, running my lips over his soft neck. "because i can take it further." i nibble his neck, tantalisingly stroking the small of his back. he inhales sharply.

"point proven," he murmurs. "you are a fucking incredible kisser."

now i'm smirking.

i gently drop down to the floor. smoothing down the fabric of my dress, my smirk grows wider.

"told you so. want to take this... inside?" i drawl. he blushes furiously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"let's just stay here. watch the sunset. then the stars."

"never took you for such a hopeless romantic," i laugh, reaching out for his hand. he takes it, smiling softly. "but i'd love to."

so we lie down on the soft grass and watch the sunset.

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