🌦 part nine ; soft 🌦

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a/n: random but if y'all want to know my insta i can link it in the next chapter

i post nothing but strange selfies and feminist comments but it'll be a laugh to see what i look like lmao

hayley's pov ; 7:39am

soft breath on my face wakes me up. my eyelids flicker open to find myself looking directly into the wide golden-flecked eyes of george. i must've turned around in my sleep, because we're facing each other now and my hands are wrapped around his shoulders.

he instantly flushes bright red and whips his arms off my waist.

"shit, sorry," he stutters, vividly embarrassed, "i fell asleep and now we're like this and i didn't want to wake you up so--"

i place a finger on his lips, smiling softly and shaking my head. god, his lips are unexpectedly soft and full. kissable. 

"shhh," i say, drawing myself closer to him. "it's fine. i need your heat anyway. i was freezing under that blanket."

his face remains pink, but he smiles slightly, looking away, and puts his hands back on my waist, closing his eyes and burying his head in a pillow.

i've only just met george and we're entangled in his bed like we're dating or something. should i be uncomfortable?

even if i should be, i'm not. maybe this would be weird with another person - screw awkward, it would be fucking horrific - but with george it just feels so right. when i'm touching him like this everything else just melts around me. still.


he lifts his head from the pillow and looks at me again. i could look in those eyes forever, i honestly could. so much depth.


"the fuck is this?"

he frowns at me. "what?"

"i met you fucking yesterday, mate. i don't even know what to think. so what is this?"

he blushes furiously, looking away. how easy it would be to lean forward and press my lips on his.

"i - i don't know," he mumbles, shifting uncomfortably. "i don't really think this is normal acquaintance behaviour."

i laugh softly at that. "no, it's not."

"but..." he rubs the back of his neck, clearly thinking. he looks back at me, his gaze penetrating. "you know. we've only just met. like you said. and i don't want to rush into things. rushing terrifies me."

"mh-hm?" i press myself against him. his breathing becomes shallow. my face just inches from his. 

"and what else terrifies you?" i tease, trailing a finger along his neck. he takes a sharp intake of breath at the contact.

"flirty girls," he admits, looking into my eyes. "flirty girls terrify me."

"sucks to be you i guess," i laugh, resting my head on his shoulder. "i'm a huge flirt. a tease, you could say."

he snorts at that. "definitely."

"now shush," i murmur, wrapping my legs around his tiny frame. "i want to sleep."

his hushed laugh vibrates through me.

beep beep bitch

going out on a ruuuuuun


but i'll post another chapter later or tomorrow

probably tomorrow, but i'll write it today 

unless you'd rather have another chapter today and no/a short chapter tomorrow? x

update: everybody hates me for making hayley too forward so i edited it 😔

jk love you guys this chapter was shite and i wanted to edit it anyway

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