🌧 part 28 ; lose 🌧

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the day after

george wakes up to the smell of burning toast. for fuck's sake will.

"EITHER I'M HAVING A STROKE OR YOU'VE FUCKED UP YOUR TOAST AGAIN," he calls out, throwing the duvet sheets off of himself. god, he reeks of alcohol. can't remember why though. he changes out of his crumpled clothes into some pyjamas - something he probably should've done before waking up rather than after - and strolls into the kitchen. grinning, he laughs at will as he tries to butter a completely charred piece of toast. "god's sake will. at least i'm not having a stroke."

straight away something is wrong. will doesn't greet him or turn around. doesn't even acknowledge that he came into the room. maybe he's just hungover: yeah, they must've gotten drunk last night together and that's why he stank of beer. jesus. must've been blackout drunk if i can't remember any of it. he shrugs it off and grabs a mug from the cupboard. "pass us the coffee, will."

still avoiding eye contact, will picks up the coffee pot and thrusts it into his hands. he picks up his plate of toast and storms back over to the table, slamming it down aggressively. something's definitely up.

"what's got you in such a mood?" george teases, gently placing himself down opposite will. the larger man looks up from his toast and finally makes eye contact - revealing not anger, but confusion.

"what you you mean, what's up? you should know." 

"mate, i have no idea what you're talking about," he laughs, but he's starting to worry. "did we argue or something last night? must've been really awful if you're this upset. sorry if i was a dick."

"what-- you really don't remember?' will frowns.



there's a moment of silence. just as george is about to speak, will blurts out-

"you told me you liked me. i mean, you said you like me more than hayley. you could've meant something else but--"

shit shit shit shit shit. 

just play it off as a drunk mistake. you're fine.

"what?! you kidding?" he chuckles, sweat beading on his forehead.

will shoots him a skeptical look. obviously not convinced. shit shit shit shit--

"i could tell you meant it. drunk mind, sober thoughts."

"what?" george tries to joke, his laughter strained. "mate, i was so fucking drunk, i obviously had no idea what i was saying--"

will's piercing look silences him. "don't lie to me, george."

his restraint collapses as he slumps slightly, nodding.

 "yeah. yeah, i did mean it. i mean, i like hayley more than anybody else i've ever met before. she's perfect for me. but now i'm getting these stupid fucking feelings for you, and they're going to fuck everything up."

will stays silent. george's eyes begin to burn. "i'm so sorry, will.  of course you don't like me back, i should've just let it go the second i started feeling this way-- i can't lose you like this. you're my best friend. let's forget this. please."

more silence. "i should leave."

tears brimming in his eyes, george abruptly stands up from his chair and rushes toward the door--

will grabs his wrist and stops him.

george slowly turns back around. will, furiously flushed, doesn't let go. "i... how do i say this. i - i mean like-- you know-- for fuck's sake man, you know what--"

will leans forward and kisses him.

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