✨ part ten ; noncery ✨

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alex's pov ; 1:12pm


i ended up staying at will's and getting pissed last night after we went to nando's with james, and the best way to defeat a hangover is to charge into your own flat and scream shite. at least that's what works for me.


see? i feel better already.

"shut up you twat! look over here!" will whispers, flapping his hands at me. he's standing in the doorway of george's room.

i tiptoe over to him and join him in the doorframe. oh my god. hayley and george. snuggling in george's bed.


"somebody got some last night," will grins, peering further in the room. "nice one on george. though he was terrified of girls." 

"apparently not," i laugh, punching will in the shoulder. "that is the fucking cutest thing i've ever seen. how dare you ruin it for me with that dirty square mind of yours."

"you know us minecraft blocks can only think of shagging. now fuck off and make a video with me. don't want to wake up the two lovebirds." 

will gently closes the door behind us, shaking his head.

"can't fucking believe those two. they've known each other for what, a day?"

"mate, you shagged that alex girl after knowing her for four hours and you were together for six months," i tease, shoving him. "maybe because she reminded you of--" i strike a provocative pose, waggling my eyebrows- "this sexy beast."

"don't fucking remind me," he groans. "not exactly proud of that."

"it did make you look like a prostitute. anyway, let's film this video."

time skip

george's pov ; 5:26pm

"oh my god hayley. hayley."

i shake the sleeping girl's shoulder lightly. she moans, burying her face deeper in the pillow.

"let me sleep, you nonce," she slurs, flapping her hand at me.

"hayley, it's half five. we've literally been in bed for 21 hours.

she bolts up like a rocket at that. "shit. we should probably get up."

"probably," i laugh. "my hand is kind of... stuck underneath your thigh though."

i can feel myself turning red. hayley smirks. 

"you're so fucking innocent george. blushing because your hand is on my thigh, you huge virgin."

i blush and look away at that. hayley frowns, then a look of utter shock and amusement comes over her face.

"jesus christ, you're a virgin?!!"

"maybe," i mumble. my face is bright red at this point.

"fucking hell," she swears, shaking my head in disbelief. "mate, i was shagging bare birds at 15. you're what, 20?"

"i'm literally terrified of everyone. i'm only mates with will and alex because they practically forced me to not run away in terror. at one point they had to hold onto my arm to stop me from sprinting off."

"jesus christ. thought girls would be jumping on you. i mean, look at that face!" she laughs, booping me on the nose. i go cross-eyed trying to keep an eye on her finger, which just makes her laugh more. "come on midget. let's get up."

"you say that like it was your idea," i grumble, rolling out of bed anyway.

god, i love this girl.

wait, no, not like that. i think.

do i like her? 

of course you do, you fucking nonce, you were just in a bed all cuddly with her.

yeah, but maybe that was just platonic. platonic hugging is a thing.

not like that it isn't.


maybe i do like her.

oh come on. you can do better than that. 

fine. i totally like her. and i want to kiss her. so much.

took you long enough.

"hey hayley?" i say nervously, standing in the doorway. she slides up next to me, leaning against the frame's other side.


"um, can i - can i tell you something?"

"go ahead," she smiles, leaning forward. fuck, she's gorgeous.

do it george. do it do it do it do it

"i really-"

"HEY HEY HEY, SOOOOMEBODY WAS UP TO SOMETHING LAST NIGHT, WINKY FACE WINKY FACE WINK WINK WINK--" will belows, jumping out from around the corner and nearly giving me a heart attack. hayley screeches and jumps five feet in the air before she realises it was just will and thumps him on the shoulder.

"bloody nonce," she groans, glaring good-humouredly at will, who is folded in half with laughter. "and i'll have you know that all we did was sleep. i accidentally went into george's room and he was an absolute saint and didn't wake me up. that's all."

"alright, alright," he laughs, raising his eyebrows. "i don't believe you, but alright."

will retreats back into his room, still chuckling. hayley sighs dramatically, rolling her eyes jokily, and turns back to face me. "bloody will. anyway, what were you saying?"

"oh, nothing," i say, waving my hand dismissively. "want to watch brooklyn 99 with me?"

"shit, you watch that too?!" she squeals, jumping up and down. "i fucking love it! who's your favourite character?" 

"um, terry," i say, forcing a grin. "he's like, so buff but so soft at the same time, you know?"

"omg yes, terry is like so sick," she enthuses, completely hyper. "holt is honestly the funniest though, like he's such a robot. oh my god, when he was like 'i am, as the kids say, awake' and terry was like 'don't you mean woke?' and he was like 'no, it's grammatically incoherent,' i honestly just died. and when..."

i tune out from her 99 enthusing, nodding and forcing a smile.

is that really what she thought? did the past 20 hours mean nothing to her? 

what do you mean, "mean nothing"? you've know her for a day. of course it meant nothing. stop being so melodramatic.

i swallow my disappointment and force myself to watch some brooklyn with hayley.

for fucks's sake, get over it george. what happened to taking it slow?

i know i said moving fast terrifies me. but it's different with hayley. 

everything is different with hayley. 

heeeey bitches 

wow this chapter is over 1000 words

this is out late lol it's currently five nine eek

my phone is ancient and i can't get this to go to the other side 

i worked so hard on this chapter so i hope you like it xx

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