💮 part 18 ; spilt milk 💮

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it's been two weeks and i still couldn't stop thinking about that starbucks trip. about george. he seemed so uncomfortable at will calling him straight. 

maybe he isn't straight and is just nervous about coming out. what does it matter either way? i'm bisexual and i'm still dating him. he doesn't have to be straight to like me. 


stop obsessing hayley. of course he likes you. he's probably straight and you're just being paranoid.

for once i might be right. of course i'm just being paranoid. 

but i still can't shake the feeling that something is wrong. 

which is why when george asks if he can talk to me privately for a second, i immediately go into panic mode. 

trying to slow down my frantic breathing, i follow him into his room. we used to always sleep together in here - but we haven't for the past few weeks. since starbucks, actually. coincidence?

fuck off hayley, of course it is. trust george for once and don't be such a shitty girlfriend. 

girlfriend. shit, we've only been on one date. we're not boyfriend and girlfriend yet. maybe this is it, he's going to tell me we should stop going out and he's gay and nobody will ever love me--


my voice echoes around the bedroom. shit shit shit--

george stares at me, startled. 

"hayley. i haven't said anything. are you okay? you've gone pale." he steps forwards, placing a steadying hand on my shoulder.

"n-no, i'm fine," i stutter. "just a little tired--" i aprubtly stumble into him, the room spinning around me. he catches me, a distressed frown on his face.

"hayley, i'm going to lie you down, okay?"

"george, i said i'm fine--"

and with that i faint onto the bed. 

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