💕 part 17 ; okay 💕

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we arrive home at around 4, alex and will instantly vanishing to film a video. george and i curl up on the sofa, our hands entwined as we watch some brooklyn 99. it's an addiction, i swear. 


i choose my next words carefully. "you... don't mind too much about ella, do you?"

his cheeks tinge pink at that. he pauses netflix and turns to face me, sitting up. "no-- well, yes," he mutters. "but i can't change the past, i guess. she lives in america. it's not like you can cheat on her with me or anything."

"no," i say softly. i pull myself in closer to george, brushing a thumb against his cheek. "but even if i could i wouldn't. i loved ella - god, i loved her so fucking much, but i'm with you now. i'm totally over her. and i'm pretty sure she has some fancy american girlfriend now anyway." 

he sighs almost inaudibly but rests his head on my shoulder, his eyes drooping shut. we sit like this for a few minutes before he speaks again. 

"you said you were going to marry her. if you were still together. do you really think you would've, if she moved here with you?"

"i don't know," i say. "i don't know. yes. no. yes. she was absolutely everything to me. we were so young then, still are, but she was incredible. we had this perfect bond."


"like what i have with you," i murmur, laying my head on top of his. 

i can't see his face but i can tell he's smiling. 

yay bitches double update more coming soon

don't worry this is not the extent of the tea

you really thought it would be this weak

haha no you naive fool

i only serve the strongest caffeine

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