❣️ part 16 ; coffee❣️

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a/n: check out my announcement, it explains some important stuff 


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"...and he turns to me and straight up calls me a whore even though he begged me to sleep with him, not the other way round! can you believe him! anyway, that's my nightmare first date story. hayley, bet yours is better." 

when will invited me to a starbucks with him and george i thought it'd just be a causal drink and chat. i did not expect to hear a recount of alex's horrific first date with his bus driver steve - but it was fucking hilarious. i'd much rather hear this than stay at home and watch youtube. 

"mkay," i begin, trying to suppress the laughter from alex's story. "so, i actually have only dated one person before george, right?"

george shoots me an alarmed glance but i pretend not to notice. that's a conversation for another time. 

"it was when i was fourteen. and it was with my best friend ella."

this gets a round of surprised chuckles from the group. i continue my story, grinning like a maniac. "we actually never intended to start dating. we both swore we were totally straight-"

"literally me in high school," alex snorts, taking a sip of his iced coffee.

"-and we never really thought of each other that way. but then we hit fourteen and ella was like 'lee, if we want to get a guy and keep him, we'll have to be good kissers.' and i'm sure you can see where this is going." everybody laughs, will practically banging his head off the table. jesus.

"so i was all like 'yo els, we're two straight girls, we can just practice on eachother! it won't be weird!' and i guess i was right on some level, because it didn't get weird - it got very sexual. we were both pretending we were just friends practicing kissing and so whenever i wanted to kiss her i would just say it was a practice because i was living in bisexual denial-" alex high fives me at that- "-but we both knew we were totally into each other. we just refused to admit it."

"i have never related to something more," alex mutters. i grin at him, laughing. "nice to have somebody to share my gayness with. i'm surrounded by heteros."

"oi!" will says, shoving him in the shoulder and snorting. "my straightness is as changeable as the shape of my head."

"your sexuality is square?" george teases. will punches him in the shoulder, pretending to be offended. "anyway, how can you not find guys cute?"

"i mean, i guess they're fit, i just don't see that them way. and coming from you, straight alpha  male george!"

george looks uncomfortable.

"anyway, it gets better - well worse really, but still - because one day she comes up to me and is like 'lee, lee, maybe we should practice sex, you know?'. which i was desperate to do, obviously.  and that, ladies and gentlemen, is how i lost my virginity." i bow dramatically as everyone collapses with laughter. will whacks his fist off the table, shaking his head in mock disapproval.

"how was that not awkward?" he splutters over his laughs. 

"honestly? no fucking idea. i managed to get past my i'm-straight phase and asked her out. we dated until about two months ago, when i was about to move here and she was leaving for her harvard scholarship. i was planning to ask her to marry me on our five year anniversary, which would've been next june. i was going to fly out to america to surprise her and everything. but then she got the scholarship and we both decided it would be better if we broke it off. so our kissing 'practices' actually turned into a really great relationship," i giggle, downing some of my strawberry-and-cream frappe. 

i notice george's reluctant laughter then silence. shit. maybe i shouldn't have brought ella up. but i like him now. not ella, despite how hopelessly we were in love. surely he realises that?

"that," alex says, brandishing a finger at me, "is the fucking coolest love story i've heard in my life. a friendship gone sexual! two bisexuals in denial! a fucking harvard scholarship! she must've been well smart."

"oh, she was," i laugh. "but not as smart as will must be with that square head. a square is the most intelligent shape, you know?"

alex laughs as will glares at me in mock outrage, the subject smoothly changed. but george still looks uncomfortable. shit shit shit. 

i try and brush it aside and enjoy myself. he cheers up, but his strained smile from my mentions of ella still linger in my minds.

come to think of it, it was the same smile he had after will called him straight. 

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