Jail break

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   The room was in fact blue. The walls were every shade of blue, each stroke of paint a different hue of blue. There was a small closet and one barred up window on opposite sides of the room. The only furniture was an average sized bed with a sky blue blanket over darker blue sheets. The room gave off a cold, unwelcome feeling that chilled me. Tears stung my eyes as I observed my new environment. The carpet was a deep navy blue and seemed to be the only comforting thing in the room. Am I going to die here? The thought caused dread to coil around my spine like a snake. My throat closed up in fear as a loud knock hit the door, only to be followed by furious pounding. The wood bowed under the pressure and it looked ready to splinter. But with my heart stuck in my throat and a glare upon my face I swung open the door.

  I just barely managed to dodge the fist swinging towards my face, but my fear struck out. With no control whatsoever over my own body I watched as my leg swung out and pulled my attacker's feet out from under him. "Fuck!" The curse froze me, I knew that voice. My eyes widened and I jumped backward, quickly placing distance between myself and my kidnapper.

  "What the hell was that, little girl?!" The amount of anger in his tone burned me and my blood turned to ice as my eyes locked onto fury filled grey ones. I took in the pale skin and black hair, quickly registering the fact he was attractive and violent.

  "Your fault, you triggered my fight or flight reaction." I grumbled out, nearly choking on the words as they left my constricted throat. If possible he became even angrier, his entire body tensed for a fight. Although I was shorter and smaller I felt somewhat confident that if he came after me I could get away. He was blinded by anger and it seemed all I had right now was deadly focus.

  "Attitude again?" His voice still held rage but I could detect something else too, pride, amusement?  He advanced towards me leisurely, but with slight maneuvering I manage to switch positions with him, my back was now  facing the open door and he was farther into the room. I flicked my gaze at the doorway  before glancing back at the man, he noticed. I forced myself into movement just a second before he did, I was out the door quickly. He was hot on my heels as I took off at a dead run.       "Motherfucker!" I cursed, panting slightly as I rounded a corner fast. I bolted past Rico and moved too quickly for him to catch me. I heard alarmed calls and threats from my growing gang of pursuers but I blocked them out, focusing on my escape.

  "Stop running, little girl! You're just making things worse for yourself!" My unnamed kidnapper called out, I ignored him and raced around another corner. "Oomph!"

  I groaned out as I collided with something solid and resembling a human brick wall. Two iron bands of muscle wrapped around me and crushed me to previously mentioned human wall. I screamed, out of fear and frustration. Defeat and terror descended upon me and I fought my trembling muscles. "Lost something, Sam?" The wall rumbled out a deep voice, laced with amusement.

  I looked up....and kept looking up until my neck was cranked back so far it was painful. My captor had light blonde hair cut close to his head and a five o'clock shadow growing in. His eyes were tawny colored and wrinkled slightly with his grin of triumph. I kicked him viciously in the kneecap, just to wipe that look off of his face.

  "She's not what I expected, it won't happen again so wipe that smug look off your face Nathaniel." My unnamed kidnapper snapped, his icy glare landing on me next. The giant, Nathaniel released me but remained blocking my escape route. As Sam approached me with cat-like grace I stiffened in anger. The moment his hand reached out to wrap around my upper arm I jerked back violently and snarled out, "Don't fucking touch me!"

  "You really think you're in a position to make demands?" He snapped back, eyes darkening in anger once again. I fought back an inappropriate snort of laughter. I was so dead, I was challenging my kidnappers without showing fear.

  "I'm breathing, aren't I?" I ground out, narrowing my eyes at him in challenge. To my utter surprise he laughed...at me! Before I could stop myself my hand cocked back in a fist and flew forward. Connecting with his face making a loud fleshy crack. My mouth dropped open in horror as pain flared in my knuckles.

  "You actually hit me, little girl." He stated it as though he couldn't believe it, as though no one had ever fought him back. But then just as quickly as his shock came it was smothered down by rage. I gasped at the intensity of his fury and stepped back I fear. A shudder of terror raced down my spine and I fought back a choked whimper. "You'll pay for that." He hissed out, wrapping a bruising grip around my wrist and dragging me. I was numb, completely unable to move my limbs and after a few moments he ended up picking me up.

  Rico shot me a fearful look and even Jared looked concerned as we rounded the corner and they were cut from view. Nathaniel however had thrown me a wink, as though I wasn't about to be killed or maimed. The coppery tang of blood hit my nose and my gaze locked onto Sam's split lip and puffy jaw. I packed a pretty nice punch from the looks of it. Although my pride was short lived as we passed the blue room I had been kept in for all of four hours. At least I assume it was only four hours, I had no way of knowing.

  "I will break your leg if you try to escape again." Sam left the threat clear in the air as he opened a door in a hallway far away from the rest of the rooms. He locked the door behind us and threw me on the large bed. The room held few personal items but still looked lived in, unlike the blue room.  I was ignoring him completely, choosing to ignore my problem completely in hopes he would leave. Although as pain blossomed across my cheek and my head was jerked to the side roughly I yelped. He had slapped me, hard enough for it to leave a mark. Hard enough for it to bruise.

  "Asshole!" I snarled, glowering at my kidnapper. He just looked at me blankly, not even bothered by my insult. "You're staying in here from now on, I'll be watching you." He informed me, looking down mockingly.

  "I'd rather be killed then stay in the same room as my kidnapper!" I hissed out pulling back my fist to punch him again, he caught my fist and squeezed. I cried out as all the little bones in my hand ground together,near breaking point.

  "Too bad, little girl. Now shut up!" Sam snapped, before leaning down and using his free hand to pull my face to his by the back of my neck. I shivered in disgust, my stomach rolling violently. As his mouth touched mine I opened my mouth and promptly sunk my teeth into his bottom lip. He reared back instantly yelling, "You bitch!"

  I screamed as his hand pushed me back and I felt my head connect with the headboard. Stars danced in front of my eyes. And luckily he stormed out instead of attacking me while I was stunned. The door was locked and I was so dizzy I couldn't run if I tried. I slowly sank into unconsciousness, letting go for just a little while.

Kill Me (Unknown Succubus Series book 1)Where stories live. Discover now