Finding Force

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"Help! Please help me!" I screamed, my voice strained and hoarse. An annoyed sigh caught my attention, suddenly the dogs stopped circling me and sat down, tongues lolling out and trails wagging. The one that had bit me finally released me leg and licked my wound sloppily. "No, god please no." I cried, struggling to my hands and knees.

"I gave you a chance, a golden opportunity and what do you give me? Blue balls. I'm sick of your games Aspen! I don't even care if you scream, I am going to break you until the only thing you can do is listen and follow orders." Sam scolded me, his words sending liquid fear straight to my bones. I scrambled in the dirt, trying to get away. I'd rather the dogs continue ripping into me then have Sam touch me. I wasn't fast enough and his fingers grabbed my hair, yanking me backwards roughly. I crashed onto my back with a cry. I used my hands to ward him off, I even landed a good kick or two.

"Get away from me! You monster, stop! Just kill me, kill me please! Kill me!" I screamed out, tears splashing down my face like a river. Sam laughs bitterly, before pinning my arms above me and placing his free hand on my injured ribs. He pressed down mercilessly, reveling in my cries of pain. He used his knee to force my legs apart and I head butted him. I saw stars, and black dots but not Sam falling unconscious. No he seemed completely unaffected by my attack. "Try that again and I will cut your tongue out. I've avoided hurting you face because I want to keep it pretty, but keep defying me and I may not care anymore." Sam said, viciously grabbing my ribs again. It was then I noticed he had a knife, it was in the hand he was using to push against my ribs.

"Just kill me!" I spat, recoiling away from him once again. The dogs were still there, growling at me once again. But I wasn't scared of the dogs anymore, only Sam. He used the knife to cut off my shirt, filling the air with the ripping noise. Cold air stung my delicate skin as Sam moved on to my bra, I screamed as he cut it off. Slicing my flesh with it. Blood welled between my breasts and rolled down my stomach, splashing my pale skin with dark crimson.

"I'm killing you slowly, love." He whispered against my skin, his tongue darting out to catch the dripping blood. I fought against him, using all of my strength. All I did was excite the monster. I flinched as Sam trailed his hand lower, stopping at the edge of my last article of clothing. He forced me to look him in the eyes as he ripped off my last line of defense. I was completely bare and I could feel myself breaking. Fear took over and I screamed, I screamed until I couldn't scream anymore. My voice was gone and so was all of my hope. With a victorious smile Sam leaned down and placed his mouth over mine, I didn't move. Didn't do anything, I was numb. Completely numb inside and out. My lack of response just angered him and I felt the sting of the knife as he cut a shallow line from my collarbone to the end of my shoulder. I was shocked back into my mind, feeling everything. Sam released me and stood up, I didn't look up. I just started blankly ahead. Tears slipped from my eyes silently and I imagined myself anywhere but here. I imagined I was back with my mom, telling her how much I loved her and how sorry I was. I imagined she'd be proud of me for stopping to help a little boy in need, that she'd be proud I fought so long.

And then it hit me, he was killing me. He was killing all the things I stood for, everything I was. He wanted me dead inside just like Layla, but he wanted my body alive. It wouldn't matter to him what I felt just that I obeyed him. The sound of a belt hitting the ground snapped me out of it. Panic shot through my limbs and I realized I wasn't being restrained anymore. With a grunt of effort I jumped to my feet and ran. The dogs didn't react, just sat there lazily watching me. Their eyes looking at me with a knowing expression, as though telling me running was pointless.

"Aspen, we just talked about this. Love, if you stop running it won't hurt as bad. You should know not to anger me any further!" Sam shouted, his tone filled with exasperation. I barely made it four feet past the dogs before an arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me back. I sobbed, tears racing down my cheeks and landing on my chest. Sam turned me in his grip slowly, for a second I saw softness in his eyes. But it was gone the moment his eyes left my face, disgust raged through me as his eyes scoured my body. Bile burned my throat worse than acid. A cold breeze rustled the dead leaves on the ground, chilling by bones.

Kill Me (Unknown Succubus Series book 1)Where stories live. Discover now