Winning whiners

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I was so sore and exhausted, not to mention one of my cuts was bound to be infected. But at least I was buzzing with fresh energy. I ran into the forest in a fast sprint, hoping to attract attention quickly. I still had to get Colton, Ash, Sam, and Jared out of the competition. And technically Gage since I didn't stab him or anything. But even I was impressed with how well I was doing considering I'd never been camping and I was being chased by multiple crazy guys. "Hey fuckers, I'm over here!" I yelled out. A howl made me stop, great either Jared or Ash. I really didn't want to hurt Jared again after the whole ballroom ordeal. Luckily when it was a large wolf I knew it was Ash, the stupid prick. He shifted into his human form and I yelped. He was naked, all natural, in his birthday suit. "Oh god! Clothes man, clothes!" I screamed out, covering my eyes.

I was so preoccupied with being scarred for life that I didn't notice he had put on a pair of basketball shorts. But when he grabbed me he knew what my fist felt like. I punched him the jaw and jerked away. "That's for the diner, asshole!" I yelled furiously. I then proceeded to kick his knee and watched him fall to the ground.

"I didn't want to do this but you're leaving me no choice, Princess." Ash growled back before getting up to his feet. I scrunched my face up in confusion, but reached back for the wicked knife. "What do you mean?" I asked while slowly edging to the side.

"To win I only have to put a claim on you, I have to mark you. And that can mean biting you and jumpstarting our bond, or clawing you. Either one will work according to the rules." Ash was shaking, his entire body trembling for the shift. I cursed and jumped to the side. He shifted back and growled at me. I watched his back legs lower and tense for a jump. As he pushed off the ground I dropped and rolled underneath him. A few of the scratches on my arm ripped open and I hissed in pain. I kept moving, constantly whirling and dodging out of Ash's path. "I'm officially a cat person." I panted under my breath as I rolled to the side and avoided sweeping claws. His sharp claws left deep scores on the soft ground and I gulped at the mental image of those claws digging into me.

"You know, I really have enough scars as it is!" My voice was tired and breathy, but I wasn't drained in the least. I stopped and stroked my power, feeling it stir awake inside of me. "Stop attacking me and forfeit this competition." I ordered, feeling the compulsion weave around my voice. Ash froze his whole body jerked and a pained whine escaped his snout.

"Not bad, but you're going to have to try harder." Ash's voice barked inside of my head and he charged for me again. I groaned knowing it was too late to move out of the way. The giant wolf barreled into me and we both went rolling. We landed a few feet away in a ball of fur, limbs, and blood. Ash recovered quicker than I could and he opened his jaws in my face. I snapped out of my stunned state and sent my fist flying. I just punched a wolf in the face! My knuckles split on impact but it was worth it, I had just gotten him out with that hit! "Bye loser!" I cheered and shoved him off of me. I grinned as the beaten mutt walked off with his tail between his legs and his snout touching the ground in shame.

"That fucking hurt!" I hissed out in pain while shaking out my hand. I pulled my hair back up into a bun and climbed up another tree. I needed to see where everyone was. Where are these challenges? So far all I've face are the other competitors. I stood delicately on a thick branch and glanced past the leaves. Suddenly darts whizzed past my face, I looked down and spotted nothing. What? Another dart appeared in front of my nose, and stopped. "Wait a second, pixies? I'm being attacked by pixies?" Well I found challenge number one, two if you counted my murderers. The pixie released a high pitched screech and my hands flew to cover my ears. I released a pain cry as a fell onto the branch in pain.

"Readying the net right now." Someone said from below my tree, it was another fairy. Only this one was human sized and mean looking. She was tall and packed with muscles and nasty scars. I ground my teeth together and reached into my backpack. My hand landed on a packet and I tugged it out. I ripped it open with my teeth and aimed. I squeezed the packet of honey with a loud war call. The little pixie was drowned in honey and went down like a rock. The horrible noise stopped and I took off. I jumped from tree to tree, out running the fairy on the ground. I landed on a new branch and heard a crack seconds before I crashed to the floor. The severe looking woman stood over me, smugly. I pulled out the wicked knife and lunged for her. I flipped to my feet and tackled her to the ground. I stabbed her wing into the ground and jumped to my feet.

"I got this, go find Gage and get the coin in his pocket. That will help you win." Jude came up behind me, I shot him a grateful look and took off towards the hills on the other side of the forest. Gage was prowling around and setting a trap for me like a silly little hunter. I made it to the hills easily and stepped right into Gage's trap. I tripped the rope and let the net fall on me with a surprised cry. "Seriously? A fucking net, what the hell all I got was a couple of damn protein bars!" I sneered out, making noise to attract Gage.

"Let me guess, running from one of the canines?" Gage walked up with a condescending smile. A bit back a few venomous retorts and settled for pulling at the net angrily. "Are you gonna help me out of this, or just stand there and make jokes? Because so far I'm winning this little competition." I taunted loudly before stirring my power up and preparing for a fight.

"You're lucky you're pretty otherwise I'd just kill you. But if you want something done right you have to get a Succubus and become the new top dog." Gage carried on while taking slow casual steps towards me. I laughed at him, and not just a short little chuckle but full belly rumbling laughs. "What are you gonna do Fang Face? Bite me?" I snickered rudely. It was just so comical, did he really think he could get close enough to sink his teeth into me? "Actually yes." He replied cheerfully.

"Well then this isn't going to be fun." I muttered before slipping my hands under the edge of the net and throwing it off of me and onto Gage.while he was stunned I pulled out one of the guns Jude had given me. "I would say sorry about this but I'm not. You're out of the game, douche nozzle." I grinned and pulled the trigger. The bullet went straight through his shoulder and a sizzling noise escaped. The outer edge of the the wounds was burned and I gave a startled yelp. What kind of bullets are in this gun? "Silver bullets dipped in holy water, really? Overkill much?" Gage groaned through clenched teeth, I pulled the coin right out of his pocket.

"Sorry, I would've just stabbed you but some fairy took my knife. Have fun back at the bar.... and get a new couch!" I shrugged casually before spinning on my toes and sprinting back towards the trees. Gage was officially out and now I had to find Colton or Jared, I was saving Sam for last. He was bound to be furious at me for sending the humans after him. I pulled out another protein bar and munched on it as I brainstorm my next plan of attack. Colton was bound to come after me since I had just shot his brother, but I really didn't want to use anymore bullets incase I needed them for Sam. I needed to get my knife back. "Jude?" I called out, jogging toward the spot I had left him and the fairy. He was gone but the fairy was still there, completely unconscious and chained with iron. My knife was still in her wing and I jerked it out with extra force. I fell backward roughly and choked out a groan. I was so sore and tired. I had scratches and cuts everywhere, I was covered in dirt, and I just wanted to sleep in an actual bed. Instead I had to settle for tracking down another asshole and getting more blood on me.

"Oh come on Aspen! Stop with this stupid pity party! You're winning and all you can do is whine!" I yelled at myself like a lunatic but it worked. I pushed myself back into action by jumping up to my feet and taking off. I had high hopes that I could take everyone out one on one. Thank god none of them were smart enough to partner up.

Kill Me (Unknown Succubus Series book 1)Where stories live. Discover now