Reunited and Reminiscing

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I woke up with a large panther purring in my face, Hunter. I groaned and pushed his large feline head away from me. He had soft fur and I found myself scratching his ears and stroking his fur half asleep. Large claws began kneading my side and I yelped in pain. "Claws, mind your claws fur ball!" I snapped, shoving his large paws away from me. He had ripped my sheets with his large claws and I sighed. I threw a leg over his furry body and wrapped my arms around his neck, I snuggled against his warm frame and sighed. I was drifting back to sleep when my bedroom door was thrown open. "Aspen!" I jolted awake at the familiar voice, it was Violet. Behind her stood Colton, Jared, and Gage all my favorite douche nozzles.

I flung myself from my bed and ran, my bare feet sinking into the plush blue carpet. I crashed into Violet with a huge hug. "I missed you guys so much, ugh everything is so uptight and old-fashioned here! I have advisors that want me to wear dresses... it's horrible." I exclaimed, hugging everyone tightly. Hunter padded up warily, his tail flicking from side to side. "Welcome to royalty, Princess." Gage was still touchy about losing.

"So this is my friend Hunter, he's helping me keep Drake away from my knickers."

"And the sweet little fox I met outside? She's really bonded to you." Violet asked curiously as we were walking to the breakfast hall. I smiled at the thought of little Seriph. "She is sweet, her name is Seriph I found her den during the competition. We've been inseparable since." I explained as we were all seated in the busy breakfast room. The hall was large and spacious with about twenty long tables placed around the room. Large windows let in natural light and fed into the cozy atmosphere.

"So you're the queen of all the big bads, how does it feel?" Colton asked with a mouthful of waffles. I smiled, remembering how he had saved me from Sam and helped me discover my new self. "It feels boring, all I do is take a bunch of lessons from my advisors and sort out territory disputes. My advisors don't let me go anywhere near the laws until I'm freaking married. Not to mention Janet wants to start having balls so I can meet potential suitors." I responded, giving him an exasperated look. Hunter grabbed my knee under the table and squeezed in warning, my gaze flicked to his. He looked angry that I was talking to Colton, he was getting possessive. Which made no sense as he had met me yesterday.

"So Jared, how are my hellhounds? I've missed the pack and the family feeling they carry." I purposely made my tone sweet and flirty, challenging Hunter to do something. "The hounds miss you too, they're happy to be close to you again. Especially after Sam tried to summon us back. He has Christian again."

"I'll take care of him, Christian is my responsibility I'll get him."

"Aspen, we're here to help you now. The competition is over you can trust us to take some of this responsibility." Violet pleaded, giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, but I need to start training and no one here will permit a lady to learn how to fight. We also have to get over our wounded pride from the competition, I did what I had to do and you guys know that."

"Queen Aspen! A lady does not speak of such things!" Janet squawked at me, glaring daggers.

"I think we both know I'm not going to just sit down and do what you tell me to do. Now get off your damn high horse or get out of my castle." I snapped, with a venomous smile. She gasped in disbelief but did shut her mouth. "Yes, Your Majesty." She lowered her head in submission and I released my glare.

"Well someone is empowered." Gage snipped, with an almost proud smile.

"I picked up a few things from experience, now let me show you guys around." We clears the head table and I showed them the castle. After the grand tour they all retired to their rooms to rest after driving here. Hunter was brooding in my room and I honestly didn't feel like dealing with the pissy shifter. "I've come to collect you for our lesson." Louis appeared in front of me like a ghost.

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