Terrified Teaching

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I awoke feeling little hands upon my face, squishing my cheeks. I groaned loudly and slowly opened my eyes. I blinked away the sharp brightness and recognized the little boy sitting next to me on the bed. Christian. I jolted to alertness, sitting up and looking around wildly. Sam was in the doorway, with a tray of food in his hands. "Good morning, Aspen." He chirpped cheerfully, but he gave me a sharp glare.

    "Morning..." I replied, wearily. Christian looked between us with a worried expression, his tiny fingers wrapped around mine in a tight grip. Sam walked into the room, sending tremors of fear down my spine. It took  every ounce of strength I possessed not to flinch or back away. The tray clanked softly when he placed it at the end of the bed.

     "Eat up, I'll be back in ten minutes. Be finished by then." He left off the 'or else' but I still heard it. I didn't breathe until Sam had walked out of the room and closed the door. I didn't move or speak, just focused on breathing and slowing my pounding heart. I was so out of it the I barely noticed as Christian got up and pushed the tray into my lap.

    "Eat something Aspen, please?" Christian begged, finally under control I looked at him. Such a sweet little boy, in a house full of monsters. I nodded to him and ate the scrambled eggs, toast and bowl of mixed fruit. As promised just moments after I finished eating Sam walked back inside the room. I froze completely, my entire body tensed in fear. He didn't hesitate to walk right up to me. My heart jumped and adrenaline seeped into my bloodstream. I felt alive, my body no longer hurt and I could breathe. I had an insane urge to attack Sam and run for it, I almost did. But Christian squeezed my hand, pulling me out of my adrenaline haze.

    "I'll get you for lunch, until then you'll be helping Christian with whatever he needs help with. No messing around, Aspen." He ordered, voice firm and unyielding. His tone left me with the feeling that one mistake would cost me, and I might not have it in me to survive the pay up. I just nodded my understanding blankly, unable to express any emotions besides fear. I jolted out of my head when the door closed and locked with a click, I melted in relief. My sigh was audible and the tension leaving me was visible.

     "Read me a story! Please Aspen!" Christian pleaded, bouncing lightly on the bed. I winced as my body jostled painfully, moving every so slowly and with jerky movements. I slipped off the bed and stood on my own two feet painfully. I swayed and shook but still stood on my own. Christian bounded down off of the bed after me. I crossed the room to sit on the chair by the desk and waited as Christian picked a book. I wasn't surprised to see the book he chose had more pictures than words, but I read Rupunzle to him anyway. He frowned, pouted, and rolled his eyes but I didn't miss the gleam of happiness in them. He loved this fairy tale.

         "And they lived happily ever after, the end." He finished the last words with me and I couldn't help but grin at him. He was such a sweet little boy, trapped in a wolf's den. My throat tightened with emotion as I thought of what he might grow up as, a monster... like Sam. Tears burned my eyes and slid down my face silently. Christian looked at me in alarm, eyes widening and mouth flapping open and closed in distress. He rushed towards me, climbed up onto my lap and wrapped his little arms around me tightly. "Don't cry, please don't cry. I'm sorry Aspen, please stop hurting. I'll be good, I promise!"

     My heart broke for this little boy, he was so innocent. My thoughts went back to how Jared and Nathaniel had helped me after my "punishment" maybe everyone here wasn't all bad. But then my thoughts landed on Sam and everything he had done to hurt me, to break me. Was I just a game? My pain, my thoughts, my own body? Was this all some sick entertainment for him? My mother had no idea what happened to me, she probably thought I was dead. And for what? Some sick man's version of fun! Anger pulsed through me, causing my vision to darken with rage. Pain shot through my ribs, reminding me of just how messed up Sam was. He physically tortured me, only to try and act as though he didn't and demand I obey him. Who the hell did he think he was? Feeling as though he could just break someone and crush their will as he pleased, Sam was going to pay. I would make him regret ever kidnapping me.

Kill Me (Unknown Succubus Series book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant