The Competitors

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Well crap! I had just punched him, with extreme force. Rage flashed in his eyes and I watched as his fangs elongated. "Oh shit, Gage! No biting her or your out of the competition!" Colton barked out, his voice hoarse from laughter. Violet jumped up from where she had been sitting and stepped in front of me protectively. "Control yourself, Fang Face!" I taunted from behind Violet, deciding I'd rather poke the bear.

"You're not helping Aspen!" Colton groaned, he pushed past me and ran toward the kitchen, he was back in moments with a bucket. I watched completely enraptured as he tossed the contents of the bucket on his older brother. Suddenly everything was all calm again and Gage was no longer trying to rip my throat out. "Well, now that I'm wet I guess we can all get down to business. I'll be back in a moment." Gage grumbled miserably, it was truly an interesting sight. He shoulder checked me roughly on his way to his room and I bit back a smug giggle.

"So who exactly are the competitors fighting for my bestie?" Violet asked in a sweet tone that had underlying steel. She was deadly serious about finding out, that much was obvious. "There are ten competitors, and somehow Aspen has managed to make herself one of them. She'll be competing for herself and the throne alongside, Gage, Jared, Ash, Vincent, Sam, Mathias, Leo, Jude, and myself." Colton announced, three sets of eyes shot to me and I tensed. "What?" I asked, nervously.

"How did you manage to get yourself into the competition, when you're supposed to be the prize?" Gage exclaimed, appearing out of thin air with nothing but a pair of grey sweatpants that hung low on his hips. The sight made me a wee bit pecking and I mentally slapped myself for my errant thoughts. "Um, I have friends in high places? New management new rules? I don't know!" I muttered angrily, shooting him my coldest glare. Stupid douche nozzle.

"Oh great, she can't even fight off a human and now she's in the competition! Might as well just let her walk into oncoming traffic!" He laughed but it was humorless and brittle. I flipped him off and turned to actively ignore him and his crappy personality.

"Oh would you just shut up Gage! You're just jealous that she has it in her to actually win the stupid competition. And if that happens she'll be ruling all alone, which makes you completely unnecessary. Aspen is a damn Succubus so she will win, that's why none of the past Succubi have ever been allowed to enter this stupid competition!" Violet cursed, her hands fisting in anger as she yelled at Gage. The room was plunged into stunned silence and she flushed red with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. "I second that by the way. Now let's get down to the dirty business, what kind of creatures will I be facing?" I kept my voice firm and clear, to hide my inner turmoil.

"The other competitors, basically this is going to be a giant game of cat and mouse and it's not going to be easy for you. There will be nine cats and only one mouse. Not to mention all the risks like weather, wild animals, food supply, water, and well for you bathroom breaks will be a weak point. You're going to need to be able to outrun a hellhound, a werewolf, two vampires, a fallen angel that can fly, a merman, a cat shifter, and well two demons." Colton ranted, seeming to become increasingly agitated with each sentence.

"So I have some stiff competition, no problem. I can practice feeding from a distance and that will help me take out all of you guys." I shrugged lightly, before giving Colton a wide-eyed innocent look.

"You can feed without touching your food? That's never been done before, physical contact has always been needed when a Succubus feeds. Even the current Succubus queen can't do that!" Gage exclaimed, looking at my with awe. I squirmed under the intense stares and felt my cheeks burn at the attention. "Well, I haven't tried it yet but I can just feel it. Like when I walked out into the bar I just knew that I could drain the people around me and they wouldn't even know it until they dropped." I explained in an attempt to divert the topic a bit.

"Well this changes things, you might actually have a chance of winning this." Gage grumbled, seeming a bit offended that I had a chance of beating him. "Oh, grow up Fang Face, and while your at it pull your head out off your ass!" I sighed loudly in exasperation.

"Shut up before I bleed you dry!" He hissed back, taking a threatening step towards me. His fangs popped out to intimidate me and I bit back a sarcastic laugh. Before I could punch him again Violet intervened and pushed him back. "Stop acting like an asshole or I'll zap your ass!" She threatened, and a wild slash of wind rushed through the apartment. The hairs at the back of my neck stood at attention as pure energy zipped into the room.

"Weather controlling wood nymphs always know just how to diffuse a situation." Gage snapped sarcastically and my entire world shattered. Violet wasn't human? My new best friend hadn't thought to mention that little fact to me?

Merry Christmas guys! Don't forget to comment and vote! Have a fun winter break and read on readers! Feedback is the bomb just saying.

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