Escapee Escapades

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"What do you mean, sir? Where is she?" Rico is completely oblivious, although I really don't want Sam to answer him. How embarrassing would it be to hear that the girl who has fought every step, the girl who Sam himself had tortured was underneath him like a wild animal. Of course it was all fake but only I knew that. All Sam knew was that he was finally getting what he wanted and me cooperating was just a bonus.

"She's under me, and we're busy. So leave Rico... now." Sam sounded and looked smug, especially as my face flushed. He didn't see my glare as he leaned down and placed his mouth on my collarbone. He palmed my breasts roughly and resumed grinding. I moaned loudly, proving just how great my acting skills are. I heard choked coughing outside the door before rushed footsteps faded away. "Trying to escape again, are you?" Sam rumbled into my ear, the curve of his smile against my jaw.

"Of course, I just can't wait to get away." I laughed breathily, running my nails along his arms. He sucked in a pained breath before crushing his mouth to my own. Sam pulled back and stared into my eyes, he grinned and his eyes flashed dangerously. "Then I'll just have to punish you." He purred, his hot breath fanning against my cheek. I squealed and struggled to get away as he placed his lips on mine again. His tongue lashed out at mine forcefully and as we fought for dominance I took into account where each part of him was. Sam was no longer using his knee to pry apart my legs, no he was relaxed and open for attack. I dug my nails into his back once again. And nearly snorted my laughter when he moaned and gripped me tighter with his hands. He was panting and clearly aroused, this was going to be so much fun. His hands slipped under me and fumbled with the clasp of my bra while he began kissing along my neck. I took my opportunity and struck, my knee hit home and my hands grasped at his shoulders and shoved Sam off of me. He groaned in pain before his eyes snapped to mine, fury growing by the millisecond.

"That wasn't funny Aspen, if you apologize maybe I'll let it go. Aspen! You aren't going to make it far, and when I catch you regret won't come close to what you'll feel! Get back here! Unlock the door, love! Right now!" During his angry rant I had jumped off the bed, grabbed the shirt from earlier and run out the door. It was locked by the time he was at the regret part. Already he was up and pounding at the door, I yanked the shirt on and ran. I ran like hellhounds were at my heels. I had to make this count, if I didn't escape I was worse than dead. Sam would do worse than he already had, which meant I needed to move faster. Pain racked through me, my ribs having been part of Sam's painful foreplay. I could feel my muscles spasming and jerking in agony. I ran through the pain, making my way towards the kitchen. Kitchens are normally near living rooms, and living rooms are almost always by the front door.

Right as I was about to race through the kitchen I collided with someone, we both went sprawling to the floor. Once my vision cleared I saw the girl, the one who didn't talk. She looked at me in surprise, before her face hardened in anger. "So you're the girl replacing me? Hmph, the front door is to your right, straight down the hall." She snapped, glaring at me viciously.

"Why would you tell me that? You obviously hate me." I asked, narrowing my eyes at her suspiciously. But I edged toward the right hall anyway, ready to run for it. I was weary because I could no longer hear the angry pounding, which meant Sam was out and he was after me.

"Because with you gone things will go back to normal. It's that simple, you pretty girl." She hissed at me, before shoving me into the hall, I heard footsteps approaching fast and took off. A pit of fear twisting my stomach. I reached the door, flung it open and ran. I was blinded, it was night and the moon was covered by heavy clouds. I stumbled down the steps and nearly fell. I regained my footing and kept running, looking for anything recognizable. All I saw was empty land, glancing back I saw I had been right. It was a remodeled abandoned warehouse, the outside still looked like it was rotting but I knew that was a facade. A loud bark chilled my blood, a dog. Of course they had freaking guard dogs! I ran even faster knowing I was dead if the dog caught me. I was not going to bed or becoming dog chow, not when I was so close to freedom. The cold night air burned my exposed legs but I still cried out in joy, I was really outside. I hadn't seen grass, heard cars, or smelled fresh air in at least a week, maybe even longer. I had lost count and my sense of time had been seriously messed up do to the torture.

A loud whistle stopped my heart along with the commanding voice that followed. But still I ran, despite the fact I didn't have shoes and my feet were already slicked with blood. I was so high on adrenaline I felt nothing but freedom. Until teeth sank into my calf, growls and snarls broke through my haze and pain exploded along my body. I crashed to the ground scraping myself up even worse. I screamed bloody murder as the pack of dogs circled me like a dying animal. I wasn't but it felt like it inside, my throat burned and tears slipped down my face. The dog still hadn't released my leg and warm blood gushed to the dirty ground.

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