Sweet Restraint

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Eventually I had lost consciousness once again after what had felt like hours of excruciating pain. My legs felt dead and my arms screeched in agony with each breath I took. I was seriously beginning to regret my offensive attitude. The girl I had glimpsed seemed uninjured and physically in perfect health, she was also meek and submissive. She had no fight in her, and maybe that worked for her. But I just couldn't bring myself to back down, even with more pain than I'd felt in my entire life I still fought. I couldn't give up, I refused to break. He wasn't going to get away with this.

The creak of the door didn't wake me, not even the loud footsteps could. Although I jolted awake when the sound of my t-shirt ripping assaulted my sensitive ears. I screamed out in pain as my body jerked back on instinct. "Shh, you're okay....your safe. I'm not going to hurt you, I'm here to help." I blinked back tears of pain and recognized Jared standing in front of me, from my hanging position I was eye level with him. Nathaniel was standing a few feet behind him holding a large metal box, I cringed at the thought of what might be in there.

"D-dont....Don't touch m-me...." I croaked out, my throat like sand paper. Jared gave me a tense look before glancing down my bloody and battered body. He cursed under his breath when he saw my swollen ribs, but as he reached out to touch me I cried out. His hand froze inches away from my skin and I became quiet once more.

"He really messed her up, what are we going to tell the kid when he sees her? This can't be explained away as a fall, it looks like he tried to kill her." Nathaniel spoke to Jared in a quiet and solemn tone, his eyes never leaving my injuries. Jared was silent for a moment, then he reached up and cut the rope binding my arms to the ceiling. Instead of falling to the floor Jared caught me gently and avoided putting pressure on my injuries. He held me up as Nathaniel opened up the big metal box and pulled out medical supplies. Although after reassessing me they took me to a bathroom first. I was so weak, so drain I couldn't even put up a fight as I was stripped down and placed under running water. Jared stood behind me holding me up, fully clothed. He didn't seem to care that his clothes were getting soaked he just scrubbed all the dirt and blood off of me with surprising gentleness.

"Sam's explaining this one to the kid, he went too far and he's doing his own damage control for once." Jared snapped angrily, though he softened his tone when my body reacted with fear and I began trembling. After I was thoroughly cleaned, Nathaniel bandaged me up, and wrapped up my torso to protect my ribs. The warm water had helped my strained shoulders tremendously, and my pain was dulled to bearable. I was handed a few pain meds and quickly swallowed them.

"I don't want to send her right back to him, especially in this condition. If she says one thing he might go too far next time. I didn't agree to murdering girls." Nathaniel ground out through clenched teeth, he looked honestly furious at my current state. It was as though he was repulsed by his friend's actions. It gave me a spark of hope, that maybe he would be the one to help me get out of this hell.

"Where is she?!" The shout made my entire body tense in horror, it was Sam. My kidnapper was an attractive monster, completely twisted and sick on the inside but he had pretty wrapping. In fact all the males here were attractive in different ways, it just showed how beauty can hide madness and cruelty so well.

"N-no." I whimpered, closing my eyes in fear as the bathroom door was swung open. I felt two small arms wrap around my legs tightly and I gasped in shock. Looking down I saw Christian, his small face twisted up in sadness.

"I'm sorry you got hurt Aspen, I didn't want you to. You're so strong I thought they wouldn't be able to hurt you." He sniffed, lower lip trembling and tears threatening to spill. Guilt twisted my chest painfully and I felt my walls fall down for this little boy.

"It's okay little man, you weren't the one who did this to me." I whispered to him, wrapping my own arms around him, despite the pain it caused to my ribs. I looked up and saw Sam glaring at me from the doorway, surprisingly Nathaniel moved in front of me protectively. Sam was blocked from my view and I fought to keep my body from trembling in terror.

"Christian go find Layla, she wants to play hide and seek with you." Sam spoke directly to the little boy, not yet addressing Nathaniel who blocked him from me. My chest tightened as Christian detached himself from me and ran down the hall, not looking back once. Jared was still holding me up for the most part and I was thankful because my legs decided to give out moments after Christian left.

"She's not staying with you, Sam." Nathaniel said, breaking the tense silence.

"Yes she is, she's mine. Remember your place Nate."

"You aren't getting her back until she's healed up some, she could've died. You will kill her if you do anything like that again, you have no control Sam. She'll still be yours. Just let her stay with Layla until her ribs have healed up." Nathaniel was reasonable, but I could tell this wasn't going to end well.

"Jared, give her to me." His voice held pure fury, but he didn't attack anyone...yet. All I was wearing was a large t-shirt and underwear, and it left me feeling extremely vulnerable. I was too weak to defend myself and too tired to even talk.

"I think you should listen to Nate, she's in bad shape Sam. You went too far this time." Jared kept his tone serious and quiet, but I could detect a steely determination beneath his words. There was no warning before Nathaniel was shoved out of the way and I was grabbed viciously. I moaned in pain, feeling my skin stretch against my ribs agonisingly.

"Don't interfere with my business, she's mine so you two can leave now." Sam was speaking through clenched teeth and I shuddered in fear. Disgust twisting my stomach and I felt bile rise as his hands wrapped around my shoulders. Despair filled me as Nathaniel and Jared walked away with their heads down. Once alone Sam lifted me up and sat me on the counter, I didn't look him in the eyes.

"Are you okay? What's your pain level? Is anything broken?" He acted as though he was genuinely concerned for my wellbeing, as though he wasn't the one to do this to me. He touched my face gently, looking at the mural of bruises on my skin.

"I want to go home..." I whispered quietly, leaning away from his touch. His eyes hardened and his mouth became a thin line in anger. I cringed back in fear, terrified of more pain. He didn't say anything though just picked me up roughly, but when a whimper choked out of my throat he loosened his grip. I trembled in fear, horrified of what he would do to me. He left me in his room once again, only this time he didn't hit me or try to assault me in some other way. He just set me on the bed and looked at me.

"Go to sleep, I'll send Christian in tomorrow morning with some food." And with that he left, and all hope left with him as the lock clicked into place. I resigned myself to sleep and succumbed to the exhaustion tugging at my senses. I was asleep within minutes, blissfully away from the physical pain my body still felt.

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