Closing Call for the Competition

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Jude materialized out of thin air just inches in front of me, which scared the crap out of me. I jerked backwards with a screech and landed on my back with a loud thump. "A warning would've been fantastic, douche nozzle." My heart was still pounding and I struggled for breath. But I still sounded clear and sarcastic so it wasn't a big deal. "I forgot you're still practically human, sorry. I'll make some kind of noise next time." Jude wasn't sorry at all, he was smirking!

"Freaking ass hat." I muttered under my breath. But to his face I said, "Let's just go find the mermaid so we can end this thing." He shot me a salute and we were off. The walk wasn't silent for long though, within minutes we were slinging insults and threats at each other. "Oh shut it, Succu-bitch! All you ever do is complain, you think this is the life any of us want to live? Compete in some dumb competition for some stupid unlucky gurl that never shuts up?" Jude snarled at me furiously, I gasped in utter outrage.

"Well excuse me for being thrown into this shit and fucking up your life! I didn't mean to have Sam kidnap me and activate my Succubus nature, next time I'll keep you out of it!" I growled at him, sensing my power jump to life at my anger. Luckily the sound of running water wasn't too far away. Matthias had better be there so that we could end this thing. "You're welcome for saving your ungrateful ass!" Jude hissed when we approached the riverbank.

I scoffed loudly, "Why thank you, for being such an inconsiderate bastard! God, are you trying to compensate for something?" To say he was pissed would be an understatement. But before he could explode and yell something back at me out favorite mermaid surfaced. "So right now we have two choices, team up on the Succubus or drop out of the competition." Matthias voiced up, making my blood run cold.


"You heard him stop playing dumb."

"Well excuse me, ass hat!"

"I'm quitting this stupid game, I have three hot mermaids waiting for me back home, I don't need a sassy Succubus." Matthias groaned before formally disqualifying himself from the game.

"See what you did! You made him quit!" I snapped at Jude.

"Are you sure it wasn't your annoying voice? I mean that makes me want to drop out too."

"You're such an ass! Hurry up and quit already so I can go kick some old Succubus off my throne."

"Getting a bit conceded I see, you might actually need someone to tame you."

"Well that someone certainly isn't going to be you!" I ground out, placing my hand on the knife handle as a threat. Jude stalked towards me, looking like he could either kill me, kiss me, or throw me into the river. He groaned loudly and an his hands through his hair in an agitated state. "Ugh, why are you so..... so God damn alluring? Even when you're pissing me off, stupid Succubus powers! I can't even tell if I like you or if I'm just feeling the aftermath of your group feed." I'd never seen someone look so confused, over me!

"I'm sure that it's just my powers, you hate me remember? I'm like the annoying little girl that always bugs you?" I prodded, hoping in could jolt him into platonic friendship.

"Only you aren't a little girl and I'm the one following you around. I can't even find it in me to actually be annoyed at you."

"Well as long as you're helping me out I guess we can be homies."

"Homies?" He seemed completely confused and I sighed at him.

"Yeah, you know buds, buddies, friends, pals, amigos." I elaborated, my tone slightly exasperated.

"But I don't want to be just friends."

"Well, that's just too damn bad take it or leave it. Because I'm winning this competition and I'm not going to be dating anyone until I've fixed up this crappy society. Not to mention rewriting the sexist laws. So buck up and wait out the ride, otherwise get lost." I ranted, even poking him hard to emphasize my point. Poor guy finally slapped some sense into himself and sighed. "Fine I'll be your homies.... for now." Jude grumbled.

"Whatever you say big boy, now hurry up and end this competition." I was rather dismissive but he did actually listen. The big hunter finally agreed to do something I said. He formally dropped out and the competition was finally over. It was the longest couple of days of my life. I smelled like dirt and blood, my hair was matted and my entire body was sore. All I wanted was a nice long bubble bath and a week of non interrupted sleep, including a huge feast before my hibernation. "Ugh, come on let's get out of here." I muttered in defeat. I had expected a rush of victory and to be screaming in triumph, instead I just wanted to crash and never wake up. The sound of whipping wind ahead both of us looking up, a helicopter was landing. I let out a high pitched whistle and waited for my favorite little wild animal to come bounding up. Seriph barked out and barreled into my legs.

"I'm guessing that's our ride." I yelled over the loud helicopter, Jude nodded and helped me get Seriph onto the metal contraption. Quickly we were all strapped into the flying death trap and back in the air. "We will be arriving at Thrinshield shortly, Your Majesty." One of the helicopter guys informed me, with a rather snide voice.

"Oh, were you expecting one of the men to win? Because females are incapable of doing anything other than what they are told to do? Rethink your views asshole, because I won and I'm not going anywhere for a long time. You've just placed yourself on my shit list, the last guy on it got shot....and stabbed. Oh and don't forget I snapped his neck too. I'm a Succubus I can drain you of everything you little prick." I snarled, lashing out at him with my power. I felt the huge wave of power heal some of my minor wounds and the man I drained became physically drained, years were added to his face and all of his muscles deteriorated.

"I'm sorry! I won't disrespect you again!" He choked out, and I reluctantly released my grip on my power.

"Whatever, just think before you speak. And please never procreate, I don't want more of you running around." I snapped feeling my eyes flash in annoyance. Seriph nuzzled her head against my shoulder and I released a breath to calm myself. I couldn't go around draining people just because of their opinions about me, I'd have to suck it up and ignore them. Besides they weren't the ones in charge, I was. And it was time to claim my stupid throne and raise some hell. My own special brand of hell sold exclusively at Macy's.

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