Sapping Sam's Chi

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     I raced back towards the river with Seriph in tow. The little fox had a few bite wounds but was otherwise fine and perfectly healthy. Of course she was terrified of the water and I had no way of getting her across other than swimming. "Come on! It's just a river, it'll be over quickly!"I groaned to the fox, pleading with a wild animal. It took ten minutes to finally get Seriph to step into the water, and twenty more to finally get the trembling creature across the river. Colton was not going to be thrilled that I had attempted to shoot him. I needed to get Sam out of the game pronto if I wanted to win. "Well, let's get moving girl." I murmured in an annoyed tone, fighting the urge to punch something.

     The last time I had seen Sam was further down the river by a grassy hill, it was also when I had sent a human after him. If he was hurt that meant he was pissed and hunting me down too. So finding him wouldn't be difficult, but shooting him from a distance wouldn't work. He could sense my power from a large distance, I would have to play it close. He needed to think he was winning before I crushed him. I wanted to destroy him like he had destroyed me. I had changed completely, I was no longer the feisty and scared girl he could push around. I was a Succubus with an ax to grind. I was strong, young, and beautiful. A deadly combination for my enemies.

    Not to mention I was an amazing actress that could fake anything. My skills were for manipulation and seduction, but the rules had changed with the game. I was going to use my skills and powers to fix this society, to pluck men like Sam out of power. I was going to win and prove to everyone that I was not some tool to be controlled. "Where the hell is he? I mean it's not like we're being quiet and trying to go unnoticed. Is this another twisted game?" I grumbled to Seriph and once again tried to squeeze water out of my shirt. Was it too much to ask for a towel? Yes, of course it was because I'm out in the damn wilderness!

     "Oh please keep running, I'm quite enjoying this little game of chase." And que the egotistical bastard in this competition. I stopped moving nd slowly turned to face him. Seriph already bristling in anger, her entire body was tensed and poised to strike. "Why would I prolong the inevitable? I'm gonna have to deal with you sometime to end this damn competition." I smiled cheekily and winked.

      "So you're accepting your fate? No more useless fighting and annoying remarks?" Sam walked closer to me and I saw a flash of triumph in his eyes, along with the suspicion. I was going to have to amp it up if I wanted to win. He knew I wouldn't just give up, he knew this was me stalling for time. "Oh, Sammy! I thought you knew me better than that by now. I'm going to get you out of the game." My tone was pure honey with a venomous bite. I pulled out the knife and clicked my tongue to get Seriph out of the line of fire. Surprisingly the wild fox did back down at my verbal command and after some leg nudging she did trudge off back towards the river. It was now just Sam and I, face to face with one goal in mind. "So the kitten found her claws?" Sam mocked with a sadistic grin.

    "Wanna test them out for me?" I sneered before darting to the side as Sam charged at me. I huffed out a breath and crouched low as a fist came swinging at my face. I lunged for him an ended up bringing us both to the ground. My knees were on either side of his waist and I had my knife at his neck. "What's wrong, sweetie? Game isn't fun anymore now that you're not winning?" I challenged, pressing the blade against his throat harder. A wicked spark flashed in Sam's grey eyes and with a jerk his hand was wrapped around my wrist. I cried out in pain as he twisted my wrist and I heard an awful creaking noise. The world blurred and I was slammed onto my back forcefully. My knife flattened against a rock a little bit away from me and panic surged inside of me.

     "It's game over now, love." Sam growled, before grinding against me roughly. I clawed at him, punching, hitting, scratching and everything. "No, get off of me!" I screamed, bucking my hips with blind terror. And the show began. Sam pinned my hands above my head and I was hit by flashbacks of each and every time this had happened.  I had gotten away each time, but my luck was bound to run out. What if this was the one time I ran out of luck and Sam managed to win? I would be bound to this monster by this stupid society's laws and in would never escape. "Sam I will kill you!" I hissed, wildly.

       "You've already tried, kitten. Maybe when you've grown into a tiger you'll actually succeed." He grinned down at me an I forced tears to stream down my face. I bucked my hips and managed to nail him with my hip bone. I strained to get my hands free, hoping I could hit him in the face. His free hand yanked at the button on my still wet pants and I nearly laughed. He would need both hands to peel off my jeans considering how they were practically painted on me. I heard the sound of my pants ripping and tensed completely. He had just ripped them off of me! "I'm going to kiss you, if you bite me I will hurt you." Sam growled and lowered his head towards mine.  As though he knew I wanted to head butt him, his grip on my wrists tightened. I gasped in pain and he went in for the kill. 

      "Stop touching me!" I snarled against his mouth, glaring up into his smug face. But I forced my tensed muscles to relax, even though my gun was jabbing my in the lower back as I was pushed into the ground harder. I let my arms go slack and stopped trying to rip them from his grip. I was really hoping he would buy my acting once again since I had already played this card once before. Sam kissed me again and I kissed back, despite my rising disgust. His free hand gripped onto my hip tightly and he pressed against me. I called out to my power and felt it rise to the surface. I drank in Sam's energy, watching his muscles coil tightly. His hand released my wrists and I buried my hands in his hair, yanking his face closer to mine. A moan escaped my lips as a wave of pure energy crashed into me. "" I whispered each time I could pull back for a breath.

      Sam was currently groping my chest and grinding against my nether region. I slid my hands to the side of his head and I tensed my muscles. With a strong jerk I twisted his head to the side and snapped his neck. Sam went slack and fell on top of me. A dead weight. I rolled him off of me and got to my feet, on shaky legs. I had just killed someone. He was a monster but I had still killed him. I stumbled over to my knife and dug through my bag for the shorts I had seen earlier. A rustling had me looking over. Sam was standing up and snapping his head back into place. "What? But....but I?" I broke off as Sam came closer.

       "But what, kitten? You killed me? It takes a lot more than that to kill me." Sam hissed and charged toward me. In a blind panic I pulled out the gun and shot him with the last three bullets, point blank in vital organs. He wasn't even phased. My powers were still active and I could tell that I was still feeding from him. "Mind telling the class what exactly it takes to kill you?" I asked in a shaky voice, but at least my sarcasm was intact.

      "And give you a chance to get away from me again? Nice try, love. I'm going to enjoy your screams as I break you." Sam lunged for me, I hit the ground and rolled. My hand coiled around the handle of the knife and I crawled backwards away from him. Sam grabbed my hair and jerked me towards him viciously. I cried out in pain but never lost my grip on the knife. "Well, I'm seriously hoping this works!" I grunted before twisting and shoving my knife right into his heart. Blood squirted out and drenched my hands, slick the knife. But Sam did fall, a gurgling breath escaped his chest and he was silent. I had now officially killed him.  I took out my knife and wiped it off on Sam's shirt. "Good riddance you monster." I snarled at his body before getting the hell out of dodge. I was not about to risk Sam coming back to life on me again.

     Besides I had a vampire after me and only one gun left and a wicked knife. Not to mention my little guard fox had disappeared. I was winning this stupid competition and I was not going down. Jude and Matthias were probably already out of the game and I had Colton left to deal with. I wasn't even going to bring up the two human idiots sent to murder me. It was time to finish this competition and get back home.

Kill Me (Unknown Succubus Series book 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu