Hot pants

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I was hot, too hot. I could feel a furnace burning me, melting my skin. It grew hotter and hotter. Melting me into goo. I awoke screaming, "Fire!" Of course there was no fire only a very large warrior man next to me. My scream startled him awake and almost immediately I was flattened against the mattress, I watched in awe as Mr. Muscles searched the room for a threat. I laughed and punched him lightly. "Look I'm flattered your first instinct was to protect me, but I don't enjoy being squashed after waking up. God, your hot." I snapped and of course the last part was a fumble, I watched in annoyance as a smug grin formed on his face. I smacked his cheek.

"Not like that you idiot, I mean temperature wise. The room is freezing but your like a furnace. Are you sick? Because I do not do well with sick people, like this one time my cousin got sick and I-" My rambling story was cut off as he kissed me, once again silencing me with his mouth. I slapped him across the face, loudly. "Don't ever do that again! Ugh, you could have just infected me!" I groaned in disgust, pushing him roughly. Mr. Muscles didn't budge, obviously he wanted to piss me off. I raised my hand to slap him again and he just pinned it down, doing the same to my other hand.

"Are you done?" He asked after a full three minutes of me cursing at him, I huffed angrily. "Oh I don't know, are you done infecting me with whatever you have, Mr. Muscles?" I ground out, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Mr. Muscles? I guess that's fair since I've been calling you Miss Hot stuff." He admitted, which earned him a head butt. It hurt me worse than him though, of course he has a cranium of steel. "The name is Aspen." I replied in a clipped tone.

"Well then Miss Aspen, I'm Colton." He grinned down at me, as though he were laughing at some private joke. So I decided to play things dirty, I kissed him, just a soft brush of lips against lips. I arched my back slightly, just enough for my chest to brush against his. It was teasing, almost like playing with matches. I pressed my mouth against his again, a bit harder this time and nipped his lower lip. I pulled away from his lips, trailing kisses along his jaw, with a smirk I whispered into his ear, "Gotcha, suckah!" His grip on my hands had released and I reached up using one hand to push his shoulder, the other to tug his hair. He fell right off of me and I took my opportunity, darting as far away from him as I could as fast as I could. I left his room and panicked, which way? I couldn't remember, I turned and ran, hoping I found the stairs.

"That wasn't very nice Aspen, you hurt my feelings! Fits that she'd run at her first chance, girl's a spitfire." I ran into a random room and closed the door the moment I heard his voice, I had to get out of here. This was the only chance I would ever have to get back to my mom. Even if Colton was fun and completely different than Sam, eventually he'd hurt me.

I let out a relieved sigh, and leaned back against the door. I was in the clear for now. Suddenly the door opened behind me and I went falling, only to crash into familiar muscled arms. "Crap!" I muttered, struggling to get away from him. Colton laughed in my ear before scooping me up like an infant. I expected him to just leave me in the room I had escaped, and was happily surprised when he carried me back down the stairs and into a clean modern kitchen. Sam left me in my room when I angered him, or did something like that, I was often left without food and water for days. But Colton just gave me a shrug and set me down on a counter. "I'll get you back, soon." He winked at me before turning and setting up to make breakfast. I watched in stunned silence as he did and made everything perfectly.

"What are you?" I whispered looking from the food to him in disbelief, I even touched his face to make sure he was real. Then something clicked in my memory, I had scratched him last night. My nails had pierced skin when he was dragging me to the van. So why was his face perfect? I took a step back eyes widening in fear. "I'm guessing you've never had someone cook to impress you before." He winked at me, before finally noticing my horror filled face and my ready to bolt tensed muscles.

"No... I scratched you and it's gone. It was gone in the van, that was not a simple little scratch I clawed you!" I exclaimed, backing up as he advanced on me. Fear made my heart stutter in my chest as I hit the island in the kitchen. Colton cornered me like a predator, rushing in the moment I was trapped. His arms gripped the granite on either side of me, boxing me in. "This makes you a very special little human." He whispered, pressing my legs against the island firmly.

"What?" I asked, fighting down the panic clawing at my chest. I turned my head to the side, unable to look him in the eyes without my fear showing. "Don't....hurt me, please." I choked, feeling his hand traveling down my sides. He gripped my hips tightly and I feel tears welling in my eyes.

"I wouldn't, I'm not like Sam. I don't crave pain just to get my kicks, Aspen." He hisses through clenched teeth, my adrenalin spikes as he lifts me up and sits me on the island. Our height distance is evened out now and I feel shocks in my stomach. I glance at his face and feel terror. Colton is more dangerous than Sam. I never felt attraction for Sam, not in the way I do for Colton. I had some serious mental issues if I was just going to let my kidnapper have his way with me. Colton placed a hand on each of my knees and pushed them apart easily, he pulled me towards the edge of the island and leaned toward me. He placed a soft kiss behind my ear and pulled away. I was left reeling, and high on adrenaline. "Come on, little one the foods getting cold." I nodded numbly and slid off the island, landing on wobbly legs.

I ate silently terrified of my captor, electricity raced up my spine every time I looked up to find him staring intently. With a bitter thought I almost missed Sam. All I wanted was to go back home and see my mom, and now somehow I went from being kidnapped by a psycho to getting kidnapped again by someone who is not human. Maybe that's why I'm reacting this way? Or maybe I just had that one thing where you end up completely devoted to your kidnapper, oh yeah Stockholm syndrome. Just freaking peachy!

"Aspen? Calm yourself down, you look like your having a heart attack." Colton instructed, giving me a small glare. I started breathing again and felt some of the wild panic leave my system. "You're taking this quite well, are you going to faint?" Well now that you've given me a choice! I glanced towards the front door, I could make it. And with that irrational thought I ran for it, darting for the door. I even made it outside, by exactly one step before Colton dragged me back inside kicking and screaming.

"Not so fast little one, it's never good to run on a full stomach. But there are other things we can do to occupy our time that don't involve running away." He yelled at me, gripping my waist tightly and pulling my back flush against his chest. I threw my head back and screamed, struggling to remove his arms from my person. "Aspen, stop you're fine. I am not going to hurt you, little one." My panic eased as his grip loosened on me, Colton hugged me tightly burying his nose in my messy hair. "What did Sam do to you?"

"He broke me, just like he promised he would." I whispered, feeling tears drip down my cheeks. Colton looked confused and I knew it was because of the conversation he overheard with Nathaniel and I... about the deal. "It doesn't take physical humiliation to break someone, to strip away their will, their reason, their hope." My voice broke and I stopped talking. I closed my eyes and let Colton hold me, it had been so long since anyone had. Especially without the intent to hurt me. My mother was the last one to me hold as I cried over something as silly as a broken heart. And now Colton was comforting me despite the fact he wasn't human and he knew exactly why I had been kidnapped.

"You made a deal with a devil and he's going to take what he is owed." Colton groaned, crushing me tighter against him. Then it clicked, I gasped and looked at Colton. "Thats what he is? Sam's a devil, the sell your soul kind?"

"Yes and he's someone you should have never gotten involved with." Colton scolded me, as though I had sought Sam out willingly.

"I didn't! He kidnapped me, him and his gang used Christian to lure me into a warehouse and bam I was knocked unconscious. Well, you know the rest of the story. I thought devils moved on, why is Sam so obsessed with me?" I questioned, to which Colton just laughed bitterly.

"He's a devil and you, my sweet are something pure and strong. You have untapped potential in there. You aren't completely human." Colton dropped the bomb on me like it was weather conversation. I'm what? No that can't be, he won't even tell me what he is so how can he know I'm not human?

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