Bonnie and Clyde

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I slipped on some moss and crashed to the ground, earning more bleeding scrapes. I cursed loudly but forced myself to get back up and keep going. I ran until I heard the rushing water and kept running until I saw the river again. I didn't hesitate to jump right into the water and start swimming. I crossed with no interruption and emerged on the other side dripping wet. My heart thundered in my chest and I took off again. I was on new territory and hopefully that would buy me some more time. I needed to get some sleep, because despite the fact that I was fully charged I hadn't slept well in days. I was exhausted and weakening the longer I stayed awake. I wandered past large trees, scanning for a well hidden place to crash. My scent was hidden from the river water but I didn't have long before someone tracked me down.

I tripped over a leaf covered root ad toppled into a prickly bush. Instead of stopping among the thorns I kept rolling and plopped right into a burrow. The tree trunk had been hollowed out and the burrow was a large open space. Something had obviously spent a lot of time digging this out and bringing in dry grass and leaves. It smelled musty and there were tufts of fur among the leaves. But I was too tired to care and if a wild animal came after me so be it. I'd deal with it later. I stripped out of my wet clothes and pulled out a dry blanket from my backpack. I curled up in a ball to stay warm and slowly let myself slip off to sleep.

I was being chased as usual but this was different. I was back on that highway where I activated. Only it wasn't warm outside it was freezing and I could see my breath fanning in front of my face. Even my eyelashes had frost growing on them. I could hear Sam laughing around me, but once again he wasn't there. The hellhounds were MIA and I was panicking. "Stop it! Just show yourself, you coward!" I shouted, feeling the cold intensify. The only reply I got was his mocking laughter. But I felt his warm hand coil around my waist, I jerked away. When I stumbled away warm breath fanned across my cheek. I released a disgusted noise and leaned backwards. Something pushed me back violently and I slammed onto the frozen asphalt. Sharp claws pricked at my chest and hips as something stood on top of me. A nose jabbed into my collarbone roughly and I cringed back. Sniffing blew cold and warm air onto my skin sending a shiver down my spine. "Wha-what?" I gasped out before jerking awake.

My eyelids flew open and I choked on a scream. Standing on top of me was a female fox, with bright amber eyes and sharp teeth. My arm shot out to grab my knife but it was just out of my reach. I had wandered right into a fox's den and now I was going to get eaten by a rabid animal. However, instead of sinking her teeth into my skin she nuzzled her head against my chin. I let out a strangled breath as the fox continued to rub up all over me. Was she scent marking me? Did she think I was a baby fox? All I knew was that she was placing her woodsy scent all over me. The fox finally stopped and stepped off of me with a happy bark. I sat up straight and eyed the animal wearily.

"Thanks for not eating me?" I whispered in a soothing tone, moving slowly to grab my dry clothes. I wiggled into my pants and yanked my shirt on over my head. The fox trembled excitedly and rushed back towards me, I squeaked as a tongue slashed across my face. "Gah! Why are you so puppy like?" I groaned before wiping my face liberally. The fox let out a happy whine and nudged me roughly with her head.

"You know what, I dont even care. I'm just gonna call you Seriph and not dwell on the fact that you're a wild animal and not a stray puppy." I reached up and stroked her soft head. Her fur was coarse but still rather soft and shiny. I cleaned up my area and stuffed the blanket back into my backpack. I slid one gun into the waistband of my pants and put the other in a holster on my thigh. The knife I slipped into my boot carefully. I pulled out some beef jerky that had been at the bottom of the backpack and gave a piece to my new companion. She gobbled it down quickly and gave me a toothy grin. I pushed at her playfully, letting her nibble my fingers lightly. "Come on let's get on the move." I murmured softly, she licked me before shooting out of the entrance. I followed suit at a much slower pace, I crawled along my belly to avoid the wicked thorns in the bush. It was dark outside which meant I had slept longer than planned.

"Well, time to go find some idiots." I sighed, running my fingers across her back lightly. Seriph barked and ran around my legs in circles. A cool breeze blew towards us and my little fox froze and her fur bristled. A loud growl rumbled from the trees and I heard a whisper of clothes behind me. I spun around and spotted Colton behind me I knew Jared would be padding up in full hellhound glory.

"So you guys are teaming up now? Like Bonnie and Clyde? How do you decide who gets me? Rock paper scissors?" I laughed bitterly and coiled my hand around the gun in my waistband. My fingers were chilled on the cold metal of the black gun. But I wasn't about to let them win this competition. Not when my psycho aunt was trying to get me killed and this whole society was so sexist and male oriented. Not when I had to win for myself. I was not just going to sit back and let myself be controlled so that this stupid power game could play out. "No, Aspen I just want to help you. I've already offered Jared's pack protection after the competition. They're safe from Sam now, but you can't win this competition. The Queen will kill you if you win by yourself, and she'd be allowed to since you bent the rules." Colton pleaded with me, I slowly pulled out the gun and brought it to my side. I heard Jared leap for me and grinned as he went crashing to the ground. Seriph had crashed into him midair and knocked him to the ground. "Looks like you're not the only one with a partner in this game." I grinned before bringing up the gun and pulling the trigger. Colton went down but I had no time check where the bullet had gone in, Jared was attacking my fox.

I turned and shot Jared in the shoulder without blinking. He whined loudly and dropped Seriph onto the ground. She rushed back to my side and pressed against me. Seriph was bloody but as long as she was still walking we were fine. I turned to look at Colton and paled dramatically, he was gone. There was no pool of blood to indicate I had shot him. He was gone and uninjured. I was at a huge disadvantage and now I was being hunted down by a vampire. Well, then it must be time to kick a devil's ass and redeem myself.

Kill Me (Unknown Succubus Series book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ