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After our first fight, Barry moved out. I knew he was looking for a reason to leave me. A reason to fight so he could move out. It was easier to tell people he moved out because we fought than saying he moved out because we never do.

I thought I'd cry when he left. I waited for the tears but nothing came. Instead I sighed in relief but my heart was still heavy.

I went to Mariana's room and she was still awake sobbing quietly. "You fought because of me" she blamed herself

"No baby, don't say that. Mariana this isn't your fault at all" I explained but she wasn't convinced at all. She kept crying and I comforted till her cry turned to hiccups. Soon she fell asleep and I held her and we went to sleep together. Not once did I cry that night.

The next morning Barry was back packing up some of his stuff in a duffle bag. I completely ignored him as I made breakfast for my daughter. It was Saturday and I let her sleep in. She deserved it after crying herself to sleep.

"You'll he hearing from my lawyers about a divorce" he informed me as he came downstairs.

I turned off the stove and turned to actually look at the swine I married.

"So you get to cheat on me and threaten me with a divorce?" I asked flatly.

He looked shocked. "You knew" he wasn't asking so I didn't bother giving a response.

"Why didn't you say anything? Most women would burn the house down if they found out their husband was cheating on them but what does miss goody two shoes do? She acts like nothing happened " he mocked and laughed maniacally

I was stunned. I didn't have anything to say, I couldn't say a word. But a tear did run down my eye.

"Stop it with the crocodile tears Selena. You knew all this while. I've been cheating for six years yet you didn't even confront me. Aren't you a mad woman??" He boomed.

How is he turning this on me? He had no right to be angry. He cheated. And for six years??? I thought he had been cheating for only three years and somehow I was hoping he would change. Six years!! Half of our marriage.

I clutched my heart and seemed to be beating painfully. I gasped for air and held the kitchen island for support.

"Six years?" I choked out. The tears were uncontrollably now.

He seemed taken aback. "For how long have you known?" He asked like it was completely normal for him to ask. I picked up my phone to call my lawyer but I decided to get evidence first so I just put on sound recording. Our divorce is going to be a war.

"How long have I known? Should you be cheating on me on the first place??" I yelled at him.

He flinched but that didn't stop the painful response that left his mouth.

"How could I not cheat? What do you offer Selena? He called my name with so much hate.
You're fat and ugly, I mean look at yourself. To make it worse you're so boring. Selena we're not in the 17th century, you're still shy to see me naked. You thinks it's cute? It's like being involved with a child. Don't get me started on your miss perfect act. Always cooking, cleaning and doing whatever I ask. Are you even human? It's like I married a damn robot"

This time I punched him.

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