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I walked straight to his bed side not pausing for anything.

"You!" He said accusingly. He eyed me warily and moved his head to the other side of the bed away from me.

"Yes me. Now take this" I handed him a pen. He took it hesitantly from me and looked at it like it was a strange object.

After the paternity test, it was proven that Barry waw indeed Mariana's father. I had to pull out my daughter's hair and lie about it.

"Your comb got stuck again" I apologized as I rubbed her hair. Pulling hair from the the root hurts.

Now I had the evidence I needed. I also got divorce papers, I didn't request for a single penny from him. He should have no trouble signing it.

"Here's the thing Barry, in my hands here are divorce papers. I don't want anything to do with you or anything that concerns you. I also have documents for you to sign away the parental rights of our daughter. DNA test is also attached" I said in one breath before I opened the documents for him to sign on the dotted line.

"You are my wife?" The pen fell out of his hands.

"Not for long" I stated firmly and picked up the pen but he refused to take it from me.

"This must be some kind of joke. What type of wife are you? You serve me divorce papers when I'm in the hospital still recovering from an accident that almost killed and I don't even know who I am? How can you do this to me? What about my daughter? You want to take her from me too? What did I ever do to you? He shouted.

I was going to shout back but the machines he was hooked up to started going haywire and some nurses rushed in to do whatever they did. One of them actually led me out of the room.

"Please be careful not to put him under stress, he is still very fragile" the nurse warned before going back in.

I let out a loud huff before sitting on one of the chairs in the hallway. I must get divorced today, no two ways about it. I was soon lulled into dream land  by boredom.

The sound of a person clearing his throat woke me. I looked at the time immediately and it was noon already. I must have been sleeping for a while. I made eye contact with the doctor and sat up.

"Is he stable now?" I asked curiously my eyes darting to the door.

The doctor let out sigh and nodded. " Selena" he stopped his speech and looked at me. "Can I call you Selena?" He asked respectfully.

"Of course" I shrugged.

"Selena, you must exercise a little patience, he is not out of danger completely. We don't want his progress to deteriorate and I know you want a divorce badly but it has got to wait till he's a bit stable" he concluded what he had to say with a pat on my shoulder.

"What's so hard about signing a document? It's all he has ever wanted since he married me. " I said angrily. Having the doctor know my business was awkward at first but now I enjoy it, having someone to talk to about my messy life that isn't my mom or myself.

"He will die and you won't achieve what you desperately want. Let the man heal first for a couple of weeks." There was no room for argument from his tone. If he had to lock me out of the room, he will.

"Asi" I said and looked at the door to Barry's room with a determined expression.

"A what?, what language is that?" He asked curiously.

"Asi, it means lie. You lie you hear me." I didn't answer his other question.

"I have no choice but to ban you from going anywhere near his room. Not until he's stable enough" he stood up and gave me a sad look.

"I wanted to tell you earlier but I was on call. The other woman, your husband's mistress was finally contacted. She put out a missing person
report." He informed me.

"You see why I have to get a divorce? I need a signature, just a signature. Can't I come back tomorrow?" I begged. I was so close to tearing up.

"I'm sorry Selena. He needs to be strong first" he gave me a pat on the shoulder before leaving.

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