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Life was going well for me. I started working out to get toned, I needed some muscle. I Changed my wardrobe to more age appropriate clothes. I didn't want to look like my mom's grandmother anymore.

Mariana was visibly happier. Seeing me happy just made her happier. She never stopped stressing me about getting her a new dad. The girl had a list of requirements, and she never failed to ask me everyday if I had seen her new dad. I don't think she knows how it works.

My mom went back to her house. Me getting a divorce gave her so much happiness. When I told her i wanted to change my wardrobe, she kissed me all over. She sponsored my shopping, She hired a stylist and went all out to ensure I had stores all to myself to shop without any restrains. When I say my mom is extra, I think that doesn't cut it. My mother is super extra.

I was relaxing after a tiring workout when my phone rang, I immediately thought it was my mom because who else would call me. I was dead wrong.

"Hello is this Mrs Selena?" The voice over the phone asked. I immediately took offence. I officially changed my name three weeks ago. Who is still calling me Mrs?

"It's Miss. Selena now, who is this?" I was irritated. I told myself if it's not an important phone call I'll hang up.

"I apologise Ma'am but the court has not taken judicial notice of your change of name as you are still legally married in the eyes of the law hence my use of the prefix Mrs" She explained boldly.

"Who are you? Is this some type of Joke? I don't have time for prank calls. Don't you ever in your life call this number again." I hung up and blocked the number. But to be on the safe side I called my lawyer.

"What do you mean you're working on it? Isn't this a done deal? He signs and I go free? What rubbish is this?" I was panicking.

"He's claiming mental incapacity and undue influence that you threatened him." My lawyer said cautiously.

"What? Is he mad? I never threatened him. I mean does that even matter? I want my divorce to stand. I have paid you to get me divorced, I don't care what you have to do but do what I paid you to do."

"Do you have anything, any evidence we can render to prove he requested the divorce in the first place. Because he hasn't regained his memory and if this proceeds to court, the court might hold in his favour"

"Hold what in his favour? I didn't ask for a cent, it's not like I'm trying to rob him. What other evidence do I need? Does the court want to see the large hole in my heart before they realize that man wants to kill me? " I was screaming now.

"Just calm down. I will do all I can and keep you informed. I'm in talks with his lawyers and they don't want it to escalate to taking a legal action too"

"Let it escalate oh, why are we still doing out of court settlement?, I will fight that man. Use any and all resources available to you, I will fund it. Get me that divorce" I hung up.

I wanted to smash something. I yelled out my frustrations. After my screams, you could hear a pin drop in the locker room. I awkwardly packed my stuff and left the gym ignoring all the stares. I totally forgot where I was.

On my drive home, I kept searching my brain for what to do. Then I remembered the recording I made during our fight. My worries lessened a bit.
I got home, took a shower and opened a good bottle of wine. I just hope I don't get drunk before I need to go pick my daughter from school.

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